It comes with:
Motion sensing
Built in Bluray
The best DVD upscaler available to consumers (up to 1080p)
Free online
Free dedicated servers
You can play 60 player online matches soon 250(MAG)
Has the strongest 1st and 2nd party lineup.
Built in WiFi
Internet browser
Card readers
Media server capabilities
DiVX/XviD playback
Backwards compatibility(all ps1 titles, some ps2)
Supports up to 7 controllers.
Controllers are cordless and have built in battery
It has the most innovative exclusive games for example eye of judgement......etc
It has themes which are cool and you can make your own
in game XMB
Trophies and level system
Can play games from harddrive which is easily upgradable.
7.1 audio
It cures Alzheimer's and cancer
Life with playstation
+ You dont have to vacuum your house because it does that for you
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