For the first post RDG decided to take a look at the cost differences for both consoles since they have both received price cuts recently. This will be a quick and painless comparison. We know that many deals exist out there and so to try to be as fair as possible we will be using the online pricing from the biggest major retailer Walmart. We will try to use the lowest available prices for any items needed. We will also be using the buying perspective of a hardcore gamer/movie lover someone who wants a great high definition movie and gaming experience. So for this buyer we will say that he or she wants the following items: most expensive version of the console, 1 game, 1 extra controller, hdmi, wifi, wireless headset ,dedicated remote control for movie viewing and high definition movie capabilities.
Sony PlayStation 380GB = $599.82
Extra Controller = $49.82
1 Game = $59.82
XtremeHDHDMI = $19.94
Blu-ray Remote = $24.92
Blutooth Headset(Philips Vox120) = $18.88PS3 Total = $773.20
Microsoft Xbox 360
Elite 120GB = $449.82
Extra Controller = $37.82
HD DVD Add-on = $179.82
1 Game = $59.82WiFi = $88.82
Wireless Headset = $59.82360 Total = $875.92
So the totals come to $773.20 for the PS3 and $875.92 for the 360 a difference of $102.72. Now this can be looked at in different ways. Here are a couple notes you can take from this analysis.
1. PS3 comes with a free game on top of saving $102.72.
2. 360 you get 40GB of more space for your content.
In conclusion its up to the consumer to decide where they shop which console and which accessories they want and which one overall presents the best value for their life****and needs. RDG recommends this tip on how to decide which console is best for you. Look at the already released and upcoming releases for each platform and see which one has the games that fit you the best. That way no matter how much you spend or what options you choose you will be happy with your purchase.Here are 5 upcoming exclusive titles on each console releasing this year worth looking into.PS3Warhawk 8/28/07Lair 9/4/07Heavenly Sword 9/12/07Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction 10/23/07Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 11/20/07360Bioshock 8/21/07Blue Dragon 8/28/07Project Gotham Racing 4 9/11/07Halo 3 9/25/07Mass Effect 11/1/07Site
Honestly, the PS3 Games are much more better and Feel more Realistic.Who needs PGR4 when u have Gran Turismo 5 WHICh is much more better...Blue Dragon Vs FF.. FF wins and it goes on ;)
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