For now we enter the 4th year in gaming this generation, we all know that all the consoles (including PC) have their greatest exclusives.
So, the question is : Which is the greatest exclusive game this generation?
For that, I pick Gears of War (X360), Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3), Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) and Crysis (PC). Each of them are the greatest exclusive from their console using Gamespot Score.
Fight 1: The Graphic
This fight Crysis easily won by huge gap, that's because Crysis is the only game that using PC power almost maximum! Just look at that, even though it's released in 2007. until now (2009) no game defeat Crysis!! Crysis is easily have the best graphic until now!! (Killzone 2 second)
Fight 2: The Storyline
For this fight, the winner is easily Metal Gear Solid 4 by very far huge gap. That's because if we compare it to another.... c'mon man! Gears of War story is so BOORRIINGG!! Super Mario Galaxy? No comment? Crysis? Standard. MGS 4 is by far have the best storyline until now!! (BioShock second)
Fight 3: The Gameplay
A very tough battle, because all of them have very solid gameplay, but because we can't have a tie, I pick Metal Gear Solid 4 for the best gameplay. Because it itroduces many new variety from the last game!! If we see Gears of War 2, we will say: "WTF? This is just rip-off from Gears of War 1!! Let's call it Gears of War 1.5!" Althought Grand Thef Auto 4 and Call of Duty 4 have better gameplay than MGS 4, for this fight the winner is Metal Gear Solid 4.
Fight 4: Sound
Err.....I think I don't need to explain this. Metal Gear Solid 4 is the clear winner, because of the voice acting and soundstrack are much better when we compare it to the rest. I know, Persona 4 has better soundtrack than MGS 4, but in voice acting no game can match it.
Fight 5: Main Character (Marcus Fenix vs. Mario vs. Old Snake vs. Nomad)
Old Snake is the winner, that's not only because of his personality, but also when I touched the game, I feel entirely that I was Old Snake!! When Snake screams, when Snake fight, when Snake dies, I felt that it was my actual self that did all that. Ok, I know Mario since I was just a child, but I judge it only from Super Mario Galaxy!! And, because of that, I picked Old Snake for the best character.
Fight 6: Fun Factor
For this, Super Mario Galaxy is the clear winner, I don't even need to say anything. Just play it and you'll soon understand
Fight 7: Gamespot Score
Metal Gear Solid 4 (10) is the winner, followed by Gears of War (9.6), Super Mario Galxy and Crysis (both 9.5). Heck, everybody! It's the perfect 10!!
Fight 8: Award
Gears of War won Gamespot Game of the Year Award 2006, Super Mario Galaxy won Gamespot and IGN Game of the Year Award 2007, Metal Gear Solid 4 won Gamespot Game of the Year Award 2008, Crysis won nothing. So, Super Mario Galaxy is the winner.
Fight 9: Metacritic Score
Once again, Super Mario Galaxy is the winner. Super Mario Galaxy scored 97 in metacritic, MGS 4 and Gears of War both 94, and Crysis 91
Fight 10: My Opinion
For me, all of the are masterpiece, but if I have to pick one, I pick Metal Gear Solid 4, because it's ****c.
So, the score is:
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (won 6)
2. Super Mario Galaxy (won 3)
3. Crysis (won 1)
4. Gears of War (won 0)
There it is, the greatest exclusive game this generation is METAL GEAR SOLID 4!! Congratulations, PS3 owner, you have not only greatest exclusive game this generation, but also the greatest game by far this generation!!
The winner:
The greatest game by far this generation...
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