People decide to upgrade to the PS3. Its pretty much common sense that PS2 owners Will buy a PS3, they are not going to downgrade to the Wii.
I know for a fact, Casual Gamers love GRAPHICS, I have not seen one Casual gamer who loves games like Mario (Mario is hardcore Nintendo gamer type) And dont' reply "Yea, your town equals the whole world :roll:" thats usually the first step denial. I live in a city of about 600,000 people, sure its not a whole lot compared to countries, but I know alot of casual gamers, and all they talk about is Gears of War, Call of Duty, Socom, my point? They love violent games, they love shooting games, and some that I have acquaintances with love RPG's such as Final Fantasy. Most of my pals are PS2 gamers, and play Socom online, and are waiting for Socom to purchase a PS3, not one ever thought about the Wii.
I mean come on who wants to play Bloombox, Ninjabread man, seriously if I wanted to play those type of games, I would have bought a portable system. This is a console, we dont need so much shovelware, Sure it might sell, mostly from kids, Although it helps Nintendo, and Wii fans have a orgasm over alot of sales. "Wooo we sold 700,00 consoles!" yea, good for you, but where are the games that you guys say there are? Wii Fit? Bloom box? The Dog Island? Come on! I have only seen 5 Wii games worth playing, Super Smash, Metroid, Super Mario and No more Heroes. And Wii fans, please, dont list games that I have never heard of, and dont list games like Ninjabread man, Wii Ware, Wii Fit, because those a really embarassing list, maybe not to you, but to alot of casual gamers I know, (yes I know my city doesnt equal to Japan)
The PS3 has games coming up like Metal Gear Solid(proven to sell over a million copies, and alot of people will buy this game with a PS3), Killzone 2(I have a friend waiting for this game, and dont even say its a flop, not to millions of other people), Socom(I play PS2 online, and there are more than 10,000 players online daily, Alot of them waiting to buy a PS3), Gran Turismo (need I say more?) LittleBigPlanet(yes, its a platformer that most of you will say is boring, I could say Super Mario is boring, but who am I? Im not a sheep, I cant say anything bad about the Wii, because I will get modded..again.), Grand Theft Auto VI(Definate power seller), Final Fantasy (eh, it wont come out this year, but it will help boost sales), God Of War III (wont come out this year but will boost sales)
what I am trying to say is Kaz Harai is right, the playstation will regain its lead, maybe not this year, maybe not next year, but it eventually will, and dont even think about saying "Just wait LULZ :lol:" I think that has to be the most supidest thing to say, no offense, since so many people get offended here. Playstation will regain the lead, maybe not soon, but it will. Wii is going to slow down once they see more games like Wii Dance.
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