I must say that.....Firmware 2.40 is a great sign for the PS3/Sony. It shows that they are listening to what people playing their games want (I don't care if it's copying or not...blah blah). They've now added in Trophies, In-game XMB, and rumble, 3 VASTLY sought after updates to their platform since it has released.
Now my point is this....although FW 2.40 is great, it (obviously) is not w/o it's flaws. This is not a thread to bash on 2.40 and what it does not have, but a thread for XBL appreciation. Lots of the time I had taken Achievements, In-game XBL Guide, Music tracks, etc...for granted, and after seeing how it is very hard to implement perfectly (seeing this via FW 2.40) I have a new found appreciation for Xbox Live.
Does anybody else that owns both a 360 and a PS3 feel the same way?
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