Did you enjoy halo 3 after playing other FPS like Killzone2, R2, COD4?
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killzone 2..Rainbow Six Vegas...and Battlefield Bad Company are the only FPS i enjoy..but halo is great too.
Killzone 2 was a great series of set pieces. But they were just set pieces. The narrative was so paper thin, it was largely negligible. No co-op to make up for it.
Resistance 2's gameplay was largely generic. It's strongest aspect was the co-op. But it really failed to distinguish itself in a crowded genre.
CoD4 is the strongest of the 3 you mentioned. Great single player was excellent, but lacked co-op.
But Halo 3 has a great single player with 4 player co-op, unlockables via skulls and a scoring metagame. Fantastic multiplayer. Theatre and Forge supported by a sharing mechanic built right into the game. It just provided so much more to do, giving it the longest legs of all of them.
i still prefer 360 shooters to PS3 shooters because of the controler. Halo was never my favorate shooter to begin with (see:signature)darkspineslayerbuy the shadow controller. same price as dualshock 3, exact replica of the 360 controller except the button in the middle says playstation not x. and i hate halo now, because i've played mag, and it's beyond awesome. it's like orgasmic, except that would be perverted.
i was never mention of a Halo fan to begin with.
Huh? I won't mention you as a Halo fan, you got it. I liked KZ2, still have it. RFOM and R2 were a blast, but yeah the narrative is nothing that separates it from others. COD4 gets raked over the coals now, but someone must've liked it other than me for it to get so popular. Halo is one of my favorite franchises for every reason. The only FPS I like a bit more is Half Life series.i was never mention of a Halo fan to begin with.
Huh? I won't mention you as a Halo fan, you got it. I liked KZ2, still have it. RFOM and R2 were a blast, but yeah the narrative is nothing that separates it from others. COD4 gets raked over the coals now, but someone must've liked it other than me for it to get so popular. Halo is one of my favorite franchises for every reason. The only FPS I like a bit more is Half Life series. oh well, you see. i am far more of a fan of Gears of War 1 & 2, Resistance 1 & 2, and Call of Duty 4 (and probably MAG, MW2, U2, Gears of War 3, and Resistance 3 if i'm looking down the barrel for purely shooter experiences). I can understand why people love Halo, my brother plays it for hours. Back before i religiously followed gaming news, i'd ask friends - who owned an Xbox - what were their best games, and i'd get one answer. Halo. I had a PS2 during that gen, and i got to play Kingdom Hearts, GTA series, God of War, SOCOM and others. so when i asked friends, i got that one game. so for me, Halo came and went and so did Halo 2. when we (my family) got the 360, my brother picked up Halo 3. I thought the story was interesting, and parts of it were awesome. but between that and Gears. i prefer Gears. while my brother finds Gears too depressing. I find Halo far too generic, and play far too closely to Counter-Strike (and i've never been a fan of the bare bones shooter).. and i love the weapons in Gears and Resistance, i like the characters in Gears (no characters to speak of in Resistance), but i absolutely love the settings in both. but i am interested in Halo Reach. by the by.I've never played halo 3 and don't own a 360 but I'd rather play halo than most other FPS games. I absolutely lover Halo CE's campaign. Halo 2's was good as well, but not as good as the first. I'd like to wrap up the trilogy. Unfortunately, I'll never play halo 3 because I have no real desire to get a 360, and I don't want Halo 3 enough for it to be a system seller. For multiplayer, I'm mainly interested in the battlefield franchise. Even though I overall strongly prefer the ps3 to 360, I still find it hilarious how so many ps3 fps are hyped has "halo killers" (resistance, killzone) and nothing ever is actually more successful than halo (except maybe the COD franchise).
yes i haven't played killzone and i have only playedR2 at a friends place 4 about a hour so i can't really judge also i find the cod franchise overated and i will not be getting M2.
Personally i didnt likeHalo3 though its a good fps, i prefare KZ2...
Resistance2 is fun online but its on the same level as Halo3, so out of the 3, i enjoyKZ2 most..
It hasn't stoped me from playing Halo 3 from time to time.
Halo is one of he most balanced multiplayer FPSs around.
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