A while back there is a study about wines. They let tasters rate wines based on prices. What came out of the experiment was that tasters rated expensive wines better than cheaper ones even though the wines are exactly the same. It is human nature to assume that if it costs more, it's got to be better. So when it comes to LIVE, people often say you get what you pay for. But do you really get what you pay for? In my opinion, you absolutely do not.
You see, when you pay for a service, you expect premium experience--better communication, more impressive games, more variety, less lag, etc. Unfortunately, because LIVE is based on Xbox 360's inferior hardware, it is impossible for LIVE to provide a more premium service than PSN.
Xbox 360 lacks cell processor, Blu-ray, motion control, and standard hard disk drives. The PS3 has all of them. As a result, only on PSN can you get:
1) Better graphics. This is a very big one. When you play a game, you are constantly looking at the TV screen. The better the graphics, the better the immersion. The better you feel like you are getting your money's worth. Without a doubt, the PS3 has better graphics. Just compare Halo 3's Mythic Map Pack Trailer HD with Killzone 2's Vekta Cruiser Gameplay HD andKillzone 2's Wasteland Bullet Gameplay HD. Killzone 2 makes Halo 3 look pathetic in this day and age.
2) Better sounds. You can say PSN has better sounds because its can produce 7.1 lossless audio, something that most gamers can't take advantaged of. The point is, PSN has better sounds overall. Should gamers want the experience the best sounds possible, they can only get it on PSN, not LIVE.
3) Larger multiplayer battles. To maintain graphical and aural integrity, the more players participate in a game, the more the processor has to work. PSN's cell is so much better than Xbox 360's processor that only on PSN can you play 32-player battles with Killzone 2's graphics, 60 players with Resistance 2's graphics, and 256 players with Mag's graphics. Larger battles mean more intense and more realistic battles.
4) Larger downloadable games. Because the PS3 has a large standard hard-disk drive, PSN allow players to download bigger games--Warhawk, Siren, GT5 Prolgoue, etc.
5) Best user generated contents/More contents overall. This is where Blu-ray disk comes in handy. LittleBigPlanet, the highest rated HD exclusve, has many, many graphical and audio contents for gamers to use to create and share games. Blu-ray also comes in handy for when developers decide to add a lot of large number of maps, cars, etc. for multiplayer gaming without having to download anything.
6) Zen gaming. This is a genre single-handedly created by Flower, the most popular game on PSN last month. Only on PSN, can you get a game that can produce the most realistic meadows because the cell processor can render grass oh so beautifully. Flower also uses motion control, making it very intuitive to play the game. The combination of graphics, control, and sounds make Flower the most soothing, relaxing, and artistic game ever created.
7) More immersive gaming. This is very, very important. When you play a game, you want to feel lost in the game world. Nothing sucks you in like the game's atmosphere. And the game's atmosphere is dependent on graphics, sounds, animation, physics, AI, number of enemies, etc.--all dependent on hardware capability. No modern game is better at creating immersion than Killzone 2.
8 ) Less Lag. We all know that PSN's big games all use dedicated serves. So games are more fair and more fun to play. With PSN you don't have to feel like you are losing a game because your opponent has a host advantage.
9)More Variety. PSN offers more "unique" gaming experiences than LIVE. LittleBigPlanet, FLower, Eye of Judgement, Warhawk, etc. are all very unique gaming epxeriences. You can't find similar experiences on LIVE.
10)Fear-free gaming. This has to do with hard-ware reliabilty. Millions of Xbox 360 fans have now experienced RROD and/or E-74. With marathon mulitplayer gaming sessions, PSN gamers don't have to worry if their console is dying on them. The same can't be said for Xbox 360 owners.
11 & 12) HOME and Web browsing (just added on 4-20-09). These might not be related to hardware, though they are very major advantages for PSN.
I challenge anyone to make a convincing case for LIVE, in light of the PSN advantages I listed above.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to ask when will LIVE catch up to PSN? Is it even possible? Because Xbox 360's hardware is inferior to the PS3's, LIVE is limited by hardware. It's unbelievable how Microsoft can charge for service based on inferior hardware. Unbelievable. PSN is better. And PSN is free. Unbelievable indeed.
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