Since the other thread was locked because of the user being lvl 1 so I made it again. Here is the link the TC posted plus I added more
Xbox ONE will block used video games, PS4 wont right? WRONG!
The Xbox One is getting a ton of slack for blocking used games even though there is conflicting reports about it. Why is Sony getting a pass though considering they have never given a straight answer? They never said they would not but all they said was if a publisher wants to it could happen and that is not a real answer. The is like a politician laying all the blame on the other party.
On possibility of PS4 blocking used games
"When you purchase the disc-based games on PS4, it should work on any hardware. So that's what I'm saying."
On activation codes for secondhand PS4 titles
"It's a publisher decision. We are not talking about it. Sorry."
How does that dfferent from anything from MS? A disc will work in any Xbox One it is just not clear if there is a fee. Saying it is up to the publisher is not Sony saying they will not block used games.
here is another statement from another Sony employee
"In relation to points like that, of course we're mindful of what the game development community wants and what the wider industry issues are with those things. I think in good time that will become clearer."
The development community is not gamers but the people that make the games.
Sony patent to block used games
So can anyone show where Sony says flat out there will be no block on used games or a fee? I am not asking for guesswork either.
I am just saying no reason to jump to the conclusion that Sony is allowing used games since the signs point to they are not. Also all these statements were before the MS event so none of that Sony is just following MS because they have to.
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