Poll PS4 or Xbone orrrrr Wii-u? and why? (70 votes)
i choose wii-u for now
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i choose wii-u for now
ps4 - metal gear solid 5, ratchet and clank series, timesplitters 4, killzone, fina fantasy 15, infmaous second son
wii u - zelda wind waker, zelda wii u,
xbox one - HALO 5 lmaoooooo
ps4 - metal gear solid 5, ratchet and clank series, timesplitters 4, killzone, fina fantasy 15, infmaous second son
So 3 multiplats, Rehash and Clunk, and the sequels to two B rated franchise. Well, better get my 400 dollars ready
PS4 - $100 less then the Competition, they have great talented Sony owned Dev's under their wing and you know for a fact they will continue to support and dish out great exclusive games for years to come (unlike another Company).
Why on earth waste your money on a wii u now? There's nothing on the damn thing! Buying a console is a long term investment. People are so desperate.
ps4 - metal gear solid 5, ratchet and clank series, timesplitters 4, killzone, fina fantasy 15, infmaous second son
So 3 multiplats, Rehash and Clunk, and the sequels to two B rated franchise. Well, better get my 400 dollars ready
Still better than casaul kinect crap, Ryse, Flopza 5 and a DLC driven bland fighter. + inferior multiplats. Well, better get my 500 dollars ready... LOOOOOOOOOL
ps4 - metal gear solid 5, ratchet and clank series, timesplitters 4, killzone, fina fantasy 15, infmaous second son
So 3 multiplats, Rehash and Clunk, and the sequels to two B rated franchise. Well, better get my 400 dollars ready
Still better than casaul kinect crap, Ryse, Flopza 5 and a DLC driven bland fighter. + inferior multiplats. Well, better get my 500 dollars ready... LOOOOOOOOOL
Forza = AAA franchise, Gran Turismo = B rated franchise, Drive Turd = Can't hit 30 FPS
Ryse = Can't say until it's released, it may suck, or it may be better than Rehash and Clunk and Infamous which are B rated franchises, saying it's going to suck solely because it isn't on your system shows how desperate you're getting.
DLC Driven Bland Fighter = Acid Glow who's one of the top FGC Commentators has had mostly positive things to say about it, so does Miles, so do several other major FCG figures. It isn't DLC driven either, you can buy the entire game for 20-40 bucks
Inferior multiplats = BF4 looks exactly the same on both systems, if anything the PS4 version has higher resolution but awful textures and particle effects. There's a comparison video on Youtube. There's no video on how Ghost compares but chances are the PS4 version will have degraded textures and particle effects just like Killzones Multiplayer.
Go ahead, bring on the cry more, butthurt, the fake lol, or some other generic internet lingo to try to hide the fact that you have no credible argument.
PS4 because i like that Sony supports their systems for the entire lifetime.
PS3 has been getting games from 06 to 2013.
Xbox died 2 years ago and Wii was a fad
ps4 - metal gear solid 5, ratchet and clank series, timesplitters 4, killzone, fina fantasy 15, infmaous second son
So 3 multiplats, Rehash and Clunk, and the sequels to two B rated franchise. Well, better get my 400 dollars ready
Still better than casaul kinect crap, Ryse, Flopza 5 and a DLC driven bland fighter. + inferior multiplats. Well, better get my 500 dollars ready... LOOOOOOOOOL
Forza = AAA franchise, Gran Turismo = B rated franchise, Drive Turd = Can't hit 30 FPS
Ryse = Can't say until it's released, it may suck, or it may be better than Rehash and Clunk and Infamous which are B rated franchises, saying it's going to suck solely because it isn't on your system shows how desperate you're getting.
DLC Driven Bland Fighter = Acid Glow who's one of the top FGC Commentators has had mostly positive things to say about it, so does Miles, so do several other major FCG figures. It isn't DLC driven either, you can buy the entire game for 20-40 bucks
Inferior multiplats = BF4 looks exactly the same on both systems, if anything the PS4 version has higher resolution but awful textures and particle effects. There's a comparison video on Youtube. There's no video on how Ghost compares but chances are the PS4 version will have degraded textures and particle effects just like Killzones Multiplayer.
Go ahead, bring on the cry more, butthurt, the fake lol, or some other generic internet lingo to try to hide the fact that you have no credible argument.
In other words. There aren't any reviews out yet so we don't know if any of those games will be good.
BUT what we know are these facts:
1. PS4 is stronger
2. PS4 is cheaper
3. PS4 has great first-party support
4. PS4 controller looks to be very good based on recent reviews
5. PS4 had better publicity
Wii U for now because it's the only one with a decent library announced so far
I'll be picking up a PS4 later when it the ball starts rolling with 3rd party support
Wii U. I like playing games.
Glad somebody besides me on System Wars actually cares about the games, and not resolutions.
Glad somebody besides me on System Wars actually cares about the games, and not resolutions.
WiiU is the underdog. For the gamer that appreciates fine, well made games. A true console.
ps4 - metal gear solid 5, ratchet and clank series, timesplitters 4, killzone, fina fantasy 15, infmaous second son
So 3 multiplats, Rehash and Clunk, and the sequels to two B rated franchise. Well, better get my 400 dollars ready
Lmaoo damn all this time i didn't know metal gear and final fantasy was mutipla. Hard choice between xbox one and ps4 now, i only like zelda for the wii u so i guess xbox one for me.
PS4 because it is $100 cheaper, better hardware, and better first party support than Microsoft. The Wii U wasn't even in the picture for me because I consider it in the same league as the PS3 and I already have a PS3 and have no need for a second current gen console.
Wii-U for now, now that it has a good line up of games and Mario Kart 8 and DKC coming shortly. I cannot pass up super mario 3d world coming the 22nd. Looks stunning and I enjoyed the hell out of 3d land last year so this is a no brainer. Also never played wind waker or pikmin, and going by the general consensus those are some of the best nintendo has put out. Wonderful 101 didnt interest me at all until I found out it was developed by Platinum games, and they have made some of my action favorites (vanquish, mgr rising, bayonnetta) so I am definitely interested in giving the demo a spin.
and ps4 for next years holidays once its settled in.
Im just not an early adoper, it never is worth it.
xbox one probably never, I have my pc for call of duty ghosts and BF4 and titanfall, if i even get any of them.
6 months ago I thought Id never get a wii u and grab the ps4 as soon as it released, but besides fifa 14 on the new engine theres nothing on the horizion that grabs me, so ill put it on hold.
Ps4: Most powerful hardware to the lowest price in combination with the best first party studios in the business. Easily the number one choice for next gen.
Glad I'm mostly a PC gamer. The XBox One has pretty much nothing that interests me except for that Remedy game. Also, Ryse looks like shit. PS4… I dunno, Knack doesn't seem like anything interesting, and Killzone has never grabbed me.
Wii U ain't a great system, but at least it seems to have things on it I want. And it has backwards compatibility. And I could transfer my Virtual Console games over to it.
I don't think I'm gonna be able to get either X1 or PS4 before the end of the year, I figure the scalpers will be all over those and I might have to wait until early next year before I can get my hands on one. I was thinking of getting a Wii U, but there's nothing I want to get for it yet, I mean I still want Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, and potentially the Mario 3D World, but those aren't games that really make me want the system right now, but Fire Emblem x SMT and Bayonetta 2 are really going to sell me but those seem too far off.
And who knows, the money I can use to get a Wii U I can maybe use to get an X1 or PS4 when they become available, plus there's more I want to play on the 3DS in the meantime, like the two Etrian Odyssey IV, Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl, Rune Factor 4, Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds, and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies.
Depends on the exclusives you like. I don't care for what Sony has, and Microsoft lost me as a customer a long time ago due to hardware problems. Aside from past issues with hardware reliability, I really dislike the X'1s pricing. If Sony had franchises I liked, I'd get the system. Not saying they're bad or anything like that; I'm just not interested. So, it's the Wii U for me.
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