Playstation Lifestyle has compiled a list of games that have been confirmed to perform worse on Sonys new hardware than its original hardware 3 years ago.
Last of Us Remastered and Skyrim Remastered both show dips below 60 fps at times which is sad because the original hardware kept TLOU at a locked 60 fps.
I guess true native 4k is also possible 30 fps.
Pretty bad. But I'm sure PS4 Pro will sell like a monster this holiday season anyways as the Playstation brand has already established it's dominance in sales and it's branding of being the best place to play, which so far this gen has come pretty damn close to being the truth.
What are your thoughts? I think I'm keeping my original PS4 for now. If I were to buy a new piece of hardware, I would sell my 500 gig Xbox One and put it towards an Xbox One S, or possibly even wait and be hopeful the Nintendo switch is actually going to turn out awesome. But for now, nothing new for me.
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