@Pedro said:
Using the logic of your fellow brethren. In order to play PS5 launch games that are exclusive to the system you are being forced to upgrade despite the fact these games can run on existing hardware. If you don't like the word forced, then call out your fellow brethren who decided to use the word.
I support the democratization of gaming. I don't care where you or anyone game. Any company that facilitates less ownership of redundant devices, I am a fan of. Play games where you want, on what you want. I am sorry if that offends you. :)
PS5 = play new(artificially locked), old and cross gen
Xbox Series X = Play new (not artificially locked), new (artificially locked by 3rd parties), old and cross gen
No matter how you try, gamers being able to play NEW games on their existing systems is significantly better than being FORCED to upgraded current gen games. :)
Sure you do which is why this is the first time i have see you complain about consoles FORCING you to buy a new platform for a game,you and other lemmings as well,because your lame excuses stick between each other.
All consoles have been locked all of them period,you see it as been lock we don't and that kind of practice is what has slow down PC for years,using more powerful hardware to just bruteforce higher pixel and frames, instead of using new features and building new games that actually take advantage of the newly release platfom.
In fact is what has separate consoles for generations now,you get a console you know it will be use and pushed to the limits,you get a brand new GPU and you have to wait years for most developers to use everysingle new feature,how many games are still been made without ray tracing?
I am sure the majority still is.
So people payed top dollars for something that is been hardly use.
This reminded me of the lame excuse you lemmings coined in for downpaying Blu-ray claiming it wasn't need it,i who already had an HDTV before the PS3 launched were one of those who bought a damn HDTV that could barely take advantage of,so HD graphics was great for games but some how not for movies,people will make some shitty arguments to defend a damn product.
PS5 = Play next gen only,old games and cross gen
Xseries X = Play cross gen and old games period.
There is no real next gen games been release on launch for xbox,just cross gen and your usual milked port.
No matter how you see it there is no need for a series X console if it will not have next gen games just cross gen,there is no incentive to buy it,and the series X will suffer sales wise for it,if you can play Halo infinte on xbox one there is no incentive to buy it,i would certainly not buy a PS5 to play games i can get on PS4,if my only north was better frames and resolution i would own a damn 2080ti since it came out.
@tdkmillsy said:
If PC can play games across generations of hardware and still excel in graphics, what cant Xbox?
Its all the same hardware now anyways.
That is exactly what has hold back PC for years,adoptions rate suck on PC for simply that reason,because new hardware get release every year,but the older ones still get support,that make those people hold up because they don't need to move on.
Consoles have never ever been like that at all,and i have never hear here you,pedro or any other lemming crying about having to buy a new console for specific games.
In fact MS forced Kinect on people and killed the damn thing after many payed for it and still you people defend that crap.
There are things on PC that i surely don't want on the console market,if MS want to copy something from PC let them copy free online play,mods for all games and several good percs rather than the bad ones.
@djoffer said:
@tdkmillsy: don’t confuse all the silly cows with your logic!!
Anyway don’t have any faith in Sony being able to deliver anything good at launch with that shoddy track record of theirs.. for a PS3 at launch and it was several years before it had anything worthwhile to play imo... and yeah PS4 didn’t excactly had a stellar launch lineup either! So yeah will probably pick up a ps5 a few years in, if there is any good games on it that is.
What is something worthwhile in your words?
Because Uncharted had a 89% score on Meta and release exactly 1 year after the PS3 launch,so Did Ratchet with a score of 90% and release on 2007,so did warhawk,Motorstorm and several other games by the end of 2007 wich was the first year.
Reistance was quite great,and had 20 vs 20 matches in huge stages basically lag free,on dedicated servers,sure there wasn't a galore of games,there never is on any launch of any console,and BC is good for that period of drough,but by the first year the PS3 already was delivering,hell the xbox one had a much worse launch and subsequent years as well,were not a single xbox one exclusive for the first years would hit 90% non,Halo,Forza,Gears,Quantumbreak,dead rising 3,Ryse,sunset over drive non could achieve a 90 score and most were low mid 80's if not lower like Ryse and Dead rising.
But regardless it was experiences you could only find on xbox one.
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