@cainetao11 said:
@delta3074: I hear ya. I think after the financial failure that the X1 will be there will be a place for offline for the forseeable future. I just like the network, and games a bit more. Having FF7 remake or most JRPGs for that matter means absolutely jack squat to me as a gamer. I'd rather rake the neighbor's yard than play Tales of Zestria and the like. Next year I have Uncharte4, Horizon, and like 2 other games that I cant even recall that I have my eye on PS4 wise. QB, Scalebound, Crackdown 3 hopefully Recore, not sure on that and Gears 4 are rounding out my X1 list.
I am having a miserable gen, have not even bought a next gen console yet because firstly , i cannot decide and secondly all the games i am really looking forward to are multiplat like witcher 3, Battlefront, Fallout 4 and WH40k Deathwing.
I am enjoying phantom pain on the 360 though but i have barely anyt5hing to play at the moment.
I may get tomb raider for christmas but after that my 360 is officially dead so i need to get off the fence sharpish i guess.
Online security has become a key point though because, as you probably know, my government is about to introduce a 'snoopers charter' for online, i have nothing to hide and i do nothing wrong but i don't like the thought of the government knowing my every move and everything i say online
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