Considering the number of role-playing fans we've got at PSXE, the result isn't much of a shock. ;)
It was only #5 on our list of Top 5 Titles PS3 Fans Wish They Had, but it was #1 from the reader standpoint. BioWare's Mass Effect 2 was often rumored to eventually arrive on Sony's machine, and although it never happened, we're all assuming the EA-published third installment will be truly multiplatform. BioWare gave us Dragon Age: Origins (and next year's Dragon Age II), right? But in the meantime, one of the generation's best RPG franchises is not currently available on the PS3, and most of you miss it. However, most games on the list got plenty of attention, and the runner-up - Gears of War 2 - was a close second. Nipping at its heels was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and so many others were very, very close. In fact, it was one of the closest polls we've ever seen right across the board; only Forza Motorsport 3 lagged far behind, although perhaps that's because Gran Turismo 5 is right around the corner for PS3 owners.
Next up, we'll try to gauge interest for the impending Call of Duty titles. There are three (assuming Infinity Ward really is working on Modern Warfare 3), and we're wondering which of these three tops your priority list. Do you like the idea of an "adventure/FPS" in Call of Duty 8? Or would you rather try the highly anticipated Black Ops from Treyarch? Let us know.
Does this explain why all the PS3/ME threads here in SW? :P
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