Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
Lems all of a sudden love cinematic games. How sad
Yeah, it's not like they made 3rd person shooters or games that focused on storytelling before.
This looks like a Remedy game. And getting inspired by David Cage will never raise anyone's standards.
Freedomfreak in my thread? I'm honored. And you do realize Quantic Dream always live up to their words right? With their reputation their next ps4 game will graphically destroy anything on the x1
Freedomfreak in my thread? I'm honored. And you do realize Quantic Dream always live up to their words right? With their reputation their next ps4 game will graphically destroy anything on the x1
They should try and get some good writing going on. I couldn't care less about it destroying anything on X1 graphically, when the game suffers from the same old contrived David Cage writing.
As far as this graphics superiority thing goes, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Freedomfreak in my thread? I'm honored. And you do realize Quantic Dream always live up to their words right? With their reputation their next ps4 game will graphically destroy anything on the x1
They should try and get some good writing going on. I couldn't care less about it destroying anything on X1 graphically, when the game suffers from the same old contrived David Cage writing.
As far as this graphics superiority thing goes, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Well, I'd have to disagree. I think his games are niche and he pulls it off quite well.
It's like you've never played a Remedy game before.
Don't change or spin the the OP. I'm not addressing Remedy or insulting their game making ability; couldn't care less. I'm addressing lemmings directly.
It's like you've never played a Remedy game before.
Don't change or spin the the OP. I'm not addressing Remedy or insulting their game making ability; couldn't care less. I'm addressing lemmings directly.
Then this thread should be locked because it's not fanboy wars
It's like you've never played a Remedy game before.
Don't change or spin the the OP. I'm not addressing Remedy or insulting their game making ability; couldn't care less. I'm addressing lemmings directly.
Then this thread should be locked because it's not fanboy wars
But it is still system wars because PS3 games were mocked and called Movies and now the X1 is getting these games...Pretty ironic don't you think? Besides...Wouldn't care if it got locked anyway.
Lemmings Then : It's not about exclusive, it's about Multiplatform games. Lemmings Now : It's about exclusive, it's not about multiplatform games.
Lemmings Then: I don't wanna no QTE in my games Lemmings Now: What's wrong with QTE? QTE makes the game immersive.
Lemming Then: I don't want a movie game, I want gameplay. Lemmings Now: What's wrong with a game with cinematic experience? It will expand the story and characters.
Lemmings Then: Multiplatform games look better on Xbone. Lemmings Now: It doesn't whether it looks better on Playstation 4. Most gamers can't even tell the difference.
Lemmings Then: Eyetoy is so dumb and such a gimmick, no one is going to buy those eyetoy games. Lemmings Now: Kinect is awesome and innovation, it's the future. Sony thinks backwards, Microsoft thinks ahead.
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
Have you ever thought of taking anger management classes? You are one angry dude.
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
It's like you've never played a Remedy game before.
Don't change or spin the the OP. I'm not addressing Remedy or insulting their game making ability; couldn't care less. I'm addressing lemmings directly.
Then this thread should be locked because it's not fanboy wars
But it is still system wars because PS3 games were mocked and called Movies and now the X1 is getting these games...Pretty ironic don't you think? Besides...Wouldn't care if it got locked anyway.
Again, it's like you've never played a Remedy game before. Their style is NOT new. It's kind of a moronic point you are trying to make. Remedy makes action games with a cinematic bent and the developers said they are going to push THAT.
Their games are not "QTE" fests like Heavy Rain or contain 40 minute cutscenes like MGS 4 (loved both games BTW). So it's pretty stupid to call their games movies.
If you've ever played a Remedy game before you'd know that their games tend to lean more on the gameplay side.
It's like you've never played a Remedy game before.
Don't change or spin the the OP. I'm not addressing Remedy or insulting their game making ability; couldn't care less. I'm addressing lemmings directly.
Then this thread should be locked because it's not fanboy wars
But it is still system wars because PS3 games were mocked and called Movies and now the X1 is getting these games...Pretty ironic don't you think? Besides...Wouldn't care if it got locked anyway.
Again, it's like you've never played a Remedy game before. Their style is NOT new. It's kind of a moronic point you are trying to make. Remedy makes action games with a cinematic bent and the developers said they are going to push THAT.
Their games are not "QTE" fests like Heavy Rain or contain 40 minute cutscenes like MGS 4 (loved both games BTW). So it's pretty stupid to call their games movies.
If you've ever played a Remedy game before you'd know that their games tend to lean more on the gameplay side.
They're actually one of the few devs to have a great balance of both
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
LMAO, how does it feel to go a whole gen with rarely any exclusives and to not get any 10s or GOTY? How does it feel to know your platform is the laughing stop of the web? How does it feel to know that the only thing unique to your platforms were stupid here and there components Sony could have just added with a firmware update? How does it feel to not know the meaning of standards and qulity?
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
LMAO, how does it feel to go a whole gen with rarely any exclusives and to not get any 10s or GOTY? How does it feel to know your platform is the laughing stop of the web? How does it feel to know that the only thing unique to your platforms were stupid here and there components Sony could have just added with a firmware update? How does it feel to not know the meaning of standards and qulity?
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
LMAO your post is so full of shit that I don't even know if I should respond. What should I expect from Mr. Xboxone?
@mrxboxone said:
@John_Matherson said:
@mrxboxone said:
@John_Matherson said:
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
LMAO, how does it feel to go a whole gen with rarely any exclusives and to not get any 10s or GOTY? How does it feel to know your platform is the laughing stop of the web? How does it feel to know that the only thing unique to your platforms were stupid here and there components Sony could have just added with a firmware update? How does it feel to not know the meaning of standards and qulity?
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
LMAO, how does it feel to go a whole gen with rarely any exclusives and to not get any 10s or GOTY? How does it feel to know your platform is the laughing stop of the web? How does it feel to know that the only thing unique to your platforms were stupid here and there components Sony could have just added with a firmware update? How does it feel to not know the meaning of standards and qulity?
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
Gran Turismo has outsold every Halo game and is a bigger franchise than Halo. Cry some moar. Bungie left you guys and is now making exclusive content for PS4. Xbone doesn't have shit but the multiplatform Titanfall that will sell better on 360 and PC. Lemmings are starved for exclusives and haven't had a quality AAA game since 2011. You guys haven't had a GOTY since 2006 and 360 never had a 10/10 game. Naughty Gods, Santa Monica, Media Molecule alone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MS Studios. It's funny you mention scores but none of MS game studios have matched anything from these three Sony studios and PD outsells anything on XBox with GT so in reality you guys don't have shit lol.
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
Gran Turismo has outsold every Halo game and is a bigger franchise than Halo. Cry some moar. Bungie left you guys and is now making exclusive content for PS4. Xbone doesn't have shit but the multiplatform Titanfall that will sell better on 360 and PC. Lemmings are starved for exclusives and haven't had a quality AAA game since 2011. You guys haven't had a GOTY since 2006 and 360 never had a 10/10 game. Naughty Gods, Santa Monica, Media Molecule alone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MS Studios. It's funny you mention scores but none of MS game studios have matched anything from these three Sony studios and PD outsells anything on XBox with GT so in reality you guys don't have shit lol.
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
LMAO, how does it feel to go a whole gen with rarely any exclusives and to not get any 10s or GOTY? How does it feel to know your platform is the laughing stop of the web? How does it feel to know that the only thing unique to your platforms were stupid here and there components Sony could have just added with a firmware update? How does it feel to not know the meaning of standards and qulity?
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
Gran Turismo has outsold every Halo game and is a bigger franchise than Halo.
Love how cows don't have a clue.
Gran Turismo:61.4 million unit sold spread between 15 games=average 4.09 million sales per game.
Halo:50 million units(number year out of date) between 8 games=Average 6.25 million per game.
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
"Experience a cinematic adventure that leads you deep into the dramatic world of the Roman Empire." CRYTEK
How.does it feel, Lemmings? To have your Devs making the same kinda games you mocked and called movies?
I don't know? How does it feel to finally have features on a sony platform that Xbox has had for nearly a decade? Your recycled XBL features are a weak knockoff lol.
LMAO, how does it feel to go a whole gen with rarely any exclusives and to not get any 10s or GOTY? How does it feel to know your platform is the laughing stop of the web? How does it feel to know that the only thing unique to your platforms were stupid here and there components Sony could have just added with a firmware update? How does it feel to not know the meaning of standards and qulity?
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
Gran Turismo has outsold every Halo game and is a bigger franchise than Halo.
Love how cows don't have a clue.
Gran Turismo:61.4 million unit sold spread between 15 games=average 4.09 million sales per game.
Halo:50 million units(number year out of date) between 8 games=Average 6.25 million per game.
You do realize that the fact that such an average cookie cutter shooter like Halo selling that much is part of the reason why people think lemmings have neither taste nor standards right? Halo only became popular because it came out on the xbox console and was better than anything ever seen on consoles for multiplayer. XBL was built on a trendy outburst and continues to be supported by trendy outburst. You lems' excitement for Titanfall is just another proof of those. To everyone else titanfall looks like Halo+Cod on steroids. To lemmings, it looks like the second coming of Christ.
You do talk some BS about Remedy. Have you ever played any of their games? All their games since the first Max Payne have raised the bar in their respective genres, Remedy is one of the best studios out there.
If by exclusives you mean the Halo franchise which has sold more then all naughty dog games, God of War franchise and infamous franchise combined? I feel pretty damn good about that. If by exclusives do you mean Gears of War franchise, which has also sold more then ALL naughty dog games combined? again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean Fable series, which has sold more then the God of War franchise? Once again I feel pretty damn good. If by exclusives do you mean the Forza franchise that has sold more then infamous? then once again I feel pretty damn good.
My platform is the laughing stop of the web? If by laughing stop (I hope you meant stock), do you mean The One? which currently has the best exclusive games of next gen? Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and the only AAAE for next gen Forza all scoring better then Killzone? Or that Ryse, Zoo Tycoon and LocoCycle scoring better then Knack?
Actually, if by laughing stop(?) do you mean my overpriced PS4 that's best game is a indie sidescroller my iphone can run?
However, if by standard you mean the fact that The One is setting standards for its graphics, games, gameplay, features and entertainment that sony is trying to copy? then Yes. The one is the next gen standard.
Gran Turismo has outsold every Halo game and is a bigger franchise than Halo. Cry some moar. Bungie left you guys and is now making exclusive content for PS4. Xbone doesn't have shit but the multiplatform Titanfall that will sell better on 360 and PC. Lemmings are starved for exclusives and haven't had a quality AAA game since 2011. You guys haven't had a GOTY since 2006 and 360 never had a 10/10 game. Naughty Gods, Santa Monica, Media Molecule alone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MS Studios. It's funny you mention scores but none of MS game studios have matched anything from these three Sony studios and PD outsells anything on XBox with GT so in reality you guys don't have shit lol.
So much ownage in one post : )
Actually there is zero ownage do to the fact that Halo 3 has sold 13 million copies and GT5 has only sold 10 lol.
So the fact still remains that Xbox has 4 of the top 5 selling franchises.......OUCH!
Quantum Break Creative Director, Sam Lake: "This is a revolutionary entertainment experience that combines a cinematic action game and a high quality live-action show".
"For us, this project is a dream come true. We've taken everything we've learned about interactive storytelling from Alan Wake and stylised cinematic action from Max Payne. We've raised the bar much higher and brought these elements together into one game, creating the ultimate Remedy experience." Sorss
Yeah bullshit. Just admit David Cage and Naughty Dogs have inspired you to raise your standards.
Besides your mind, where did this come from? They are taking gameplay akin to Max Payne and the storytelling akin to Alan Wake and combining them in order to achieve the experience they are building for Quantum Break.
Gran Turismo:61.4 million unit sold spread between 15 games=average 4.09 million sales per game.
Halo:50 million units(number year out of date) between 8 games=Average 6.25 million per game.
You do realize that the fact that such an average cookie cutter shooter like Halo selling that much is part of the reason why people think lemmings have neither taste nor standards right? Halo only became popular because it came out on the xbox console and was better than anything ever seen on consoles for multiplayer. XBL was built on a trendy outburst and continues to be supported by trendy outburst. You lems' excitement for Titanfall is just another proof of those. To everyone else titanfall looks like Halo+Cod on steroids. To lemmings, it looks like the second coming of Christ.
Come on John.........
You are a bright poster on this forum, please don't say things like Halo is cookie cutter it makes you seem ordinary and diminishes your contributions. Halo set the standard for modern console shooters.
Halo will always be an overrated trend in my eyes and this is just my opinion. and I'm sorry but yes it is a FACT that Halo paved the way and gave online shooters and FPS a voice on consoles, but I'm sorry I'll always find games like Half-Life, Quake, Doom, FEAR, and other older PC shooters more influential than Halo. I'm sorry but the only thing I see that halo did for consoles was that it paved the road and formed a foundation, aside from this, in terms of setting standards and things like that...I don't really see it. I'm sorry. I just don't. Bu that's just me.
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