@Tighaman said:
If the bw of the ps4 is theorically 176gb for 8gb of ram we gonna say real world 170gb so we wont have any jimmies rustled but the game only uses 4.5 gb of ram so how much bw does a game really have when 20 gb of that bw automatically goes to the cpu?
The bandwith has nothing to do with the amount of ram.
You could compare it with launching torpedo's, if you lauch one or 10, the maximum speed of the torpedoes won't increase or decrease because you launch more or less.
Or if you would have a firing squad for instance, if everyone has the same rifle, the speed of the bullets they shoot won't increase because you have more men (that have each a rifle ) in your firing squad. Every bullet will still have the same speed.
Same with the esram on the xboxone , it has a bandwith of 190 gb/sec (something like that) but it's only 32 mb of ram. If i would follow your reasoning this would never be possible, because the esram is such a small amount compared to the 8 gb gddr5 in the ps4 for example.
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