ps3 has the games coming but my big problem is how can i support 2 consoles with games? i won't even have enough time to play both and beat all the games.
small example..
assasin creed $50
virtua fighter $50
Mass effect $50
blue dragon $50
Lost odessey $50
Halo 3 $50
bioshock $50
Kingdom under fire $50
that's 8 games = 400
it's like telling myself either buy a ps3 with no games or 8 great games.
now let's say i decide to buy a ps3 i would have to pay $500 + ninja gaiden $50 + FF13 $50 + Heavenly Sword $50.
that would equal out to $650 with 3 games.. what you rather get 8 great games for 400 or a new console with 3 games for $650.. note: if i want to have all i would have to spend $1,050 and i'm being nice with price because i'm not even counting taxes or the real price of games which are $60 each.
my brain says to go for the cheaper altelnative.. get 8 great games first and then when ps3 goes down to $200 ;) if it ever does buy does 3 games for ps3 at the bargain bin. i'll spend about $650 if i do that.
if i would buy a ps3 first i would spend about $800.. plus priority of which games i want first like blue dragon and lost odessey which will be getting purchase as soon as they come out.
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