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Its a very tough decision for Multiconsole owners. HEre are the facts about both: \
360 version:
More Vibrant Colors
Exclusive DLC down the line.
More Aliasing Problems.
PS3 version:
Warmer Color Pallete
Better Aliasing
No officaly Announced DLC untill 09.
So it mainly comes down to those factors. Acheivements are personal opinon. Both run at the same FPS speed and both will play the same.
Who said I was getting it?GEARS_0f_war983My bad, should have said everyone except gears of war. Because that's probably what it'll be.
*IF I owned both*
I'm an acheivements whore (when I have the time, and with this game, i'll make time)
I wonder if theyll ever have Achievement whore Rehab Clinics one day? haha that would be great.
What system are you buying GTA4 for? I can't decide. Thought about buying it for 360 for achievements and so called extra content. But I don't want my box to crap out when I'm enjoying THIS game especially. And GTA was meant to be played on Playstation (and Playstation controller) since prior GTA's came out on PS1 and PS2. Can't decide.LessThanMarcus
i really wanted to buy this for my ps3....but im gonna have to go with gettin it on my 360...that episodic content is just too damn tempting....i kinda have the feeling that it will run better on the ps3 though
What system are you buying GTA4 for? I can't decide. Thought about buying it for 360 for achievements and so called extra content. But I don't want my box to crap out when I'm enjoying THIS game especially. And GTA was meant to be played on Playstation (and Playstation controller) since prior GTA's came out on PS1 and PS2. Can't decide.LessThanMarcus
Simple on the PS3, ontroller preference and free online, plus like you don't like playing mulitplayers on the 360 because I don't want to over work it.
Even though I think of my PS3 as a baby I'm constantly overworking it, but it can handle it.;)
afraid can't say the same for my 360:(
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