without a good gaming pc it looks like your SOoL
and no the wii cannot handle it blizzard would be retarded to waste there time tryin to degraphicalize it for that system and it does not have close to the amount of buttons needed for hotkeys and commands like a keyboard has even if the wii mote kinda worked like a mouse well even tho it sux much more that doesn't change about the lack of buttons on it
and ps3 and 360 lulz no just no your system might be able to run it but without a mouse or keyboardand most of the ppl who own ur consoles dont use them an play games on ur tv's sour useless for uber strategy games with skill involved cuz u wont have any room or gameplay area like a computer desk has and ur networks aren't goood enough to handle all the tournaments an custom games of the blizzard mod community either so no
how u plannin on playin this game kids this is above triple A and is prolly going to be another game of the millenium for blizzard have fun sittin on the sidelines console kids
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