Just wondering, but will the next generation Xbox (as in third generation, real successor to Xbox 360) include a Blu Ray drive?
They decided to bail out on HD-DVD because it is "not a proven format," and Microsoft has stated Blu Ray player peripherals are a real possibility in the future. And as game developers have stated, even after compression, a substantial chunk of Blu Ray space is being taken up, indicating that DVD-9s may be dead by the end of this generation. But even so, developers like Bioware show it's still possible to pack an awesome game into a DVD-9 without resorting to multiple discs. Yet, with 4-5 years to let this all sink it, wouldn't you say that DVD-9 will be effectively dead as a doornail by the end of the Xbox's second generation?
So, this leaves us with the title question. Blu Ray, some new-fangled invention, or will Microsoft go the route of the N64 and continue to hopelessly support a dying format?
What will this mean for Microsoft?
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