as many of you all know, the revealing of the 05 trailer made our jaw's drop. but this past E3 for the first time in 4 years, they finally showed off alan wake. like alot of others had said, WHY REMEDY WHY DOWN GRADE THE GRAPHICS. well here is proof that alan wake has been downgraded very badly. i feel that the xbox 360 couldnt handle this game, which is the reason of REmedy downgrade choice.
2005 trailer
I am a cow, and I have made MANY posts talking about how Alan Wake didn't deserve the hype and praise it was getting when it was first shown. I made countless arguements about how the graphics aren't that great and the game looks jerky animation-wise, and flat and boring.
Then I saw the game, in actual motion, ACTUAL GAMEPLAY at E3 and was extremely impressed.
Sorry, but I think your memory is skewed and you remember the hype and not the actual game. You are remembering a myth...a legend built up over time in the mind of fanboys. Sorry, but I am a cow who has bashed this game and I am saying you are wrong. The game NOW looks fantastic.I don't care what you think those videos show. Alan Wake looks incredible.
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