Halo 3 will be the pinnacle of enemy AI and the coop in this game will be FREAKING thebest ever seen. This is why Bungie is so stoked on the films and sharing them. And then you can go back and just watch your films of your coop with your buddies. And play the single player over and over and over again. many have already said from what they have seen the AI is freaking AMAZING.
And if anyone truly think that Halo 3 Multiplayer maps will be anything short of SPECTACULAR. Well PLEASE wake up and come out of the cave your in.
This game is going to be AAAA and transcend this whole next gen.
It's a lock that it will be 9.7 at GS edging out GEOW and a lock it will be 9.9 at IGN they are a bit more forgiving then GameSpot.
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