Ok i have heard time and time again the argument "Modern warfare 2 is really a superior game on xbox consoles along with other shooters" Since when? Can someone give me one just one reason why the Call of duty games and shooters in general are always better on the xbox? no no, just because MS markets COD to death on the 360 more than Sony doesn't make it better on the 360.. Now that the 360 has party chat you will hardly hear anyone with mics anyway and even when people talked its not like anyone ever used to team work to begin with.
And the lame argument "but the 360 will have more online players" ok yea maybe more people will have the game on 360 but how does that add to the experience? I mean im willing to bet the PS3 verrsion will so just as many copies on the PS3 as the 360, modern warfare only sold 1 million copies more on the 360 than the PS3 and that was when the PS3 was still $500.00 and didnt have near the many owners as it does now..
Ok is it just me or does the PS3 have more shooter exclusives.. Resistance, Socom,Killzone and MAG.. the exclusive shooters on the 360... Gears and Halo.. So anyway my point is this, this whole idea that Modern Warfare 2 "was built for the 360" is utter crap.. they both perform equally, look equally and play equally on both consoles.. FACT..
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