must have been a mistake in the survey or only hermits must have taken the survey coz the way i see it, pc gaming is rapidly going down thanks to piracy and games that require uber rigs
First off my PC is not a uber rig, yet it handles every game + Crysis on high just fine. The HD4770 is a sub £90 GPU that can take the vast majority of cross platform games and push them right up to 1920x1200 at max, so don't give me this stereotypical consolite ignorance about games needs $Xk machines.
Secondly if you want to see a games market in trouble you are looking in the wrong place, the console market doesn't seem too healthy these days. Think I'm BSing? How much money is Sony/Microsoft having to pour into 3rd party titles and downloadable content? Last generation developers chose to develop for individual platforms, now they have to be given financial incentives to keep a game console exclusive.
PC offers no money other than what you make back from your sales, yet it has more high rated exclusives than all the console platforms. You criticise PC but we aren't the ones that have to buy our way to differentiate the platform.
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