FFVII ( Completely changed things, if you didn't play Final Fantasy before this I can understand how you're not as fond of it as I am)
FFVI ( FF III when I first played it, the first FF to bring a great storyline and Kefka was an awesome antagonist)
FFX ( I think the best storyline for a FF game yet)
FFI ( I struggled a lot with this game when I was young and it managed to put you in some tight spots. However this really paved the way for every console RPG)
FFIX ( A simple devised game and great fun through out)
FFXII (While the storyline had a lot of potential I felt it failed on delivery. The battle system however was great fun and for it's time a beautiful game.
FFV ( The introduction of the job system made the game fresh enough to play. The story was pretty lame)
FFVIII ( If you were a FF fan and played them from the beginning than this one didn't stack up to FFVII, but if this was one of your first people generally adored it. The theme of this FF was love ( every FF game has a theme) and to me it felt like a serious knock off of VII. The battle system and storyline where bleh. I'm going to go play this now just to see if my opinion has changed)
FF II,III,IV ( I enjoyed these ones enough to finish them, but to be honest they all mesh together in my head.)
FFT ( Is actually my favorite of the series but I doubt people will think it fits on the list. If you haven't played this game, do so. The battle system is simply amazing, created by the great folks who brought you Ogre Tactics, as well as the music and the storyline is so deep it takes two playthroughs to grasp it all.)
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