Yep that's right,I think R&C is better than SMG! But really I don't see whats so good about SMG.I beat it... and so far I have been having more fun with my new R&C.I don't think SMG deserved GOTY( but awell it did) theres nothing about it that makes it look better than other games.It's like Nintendo brain washed everyone but me lol.
What I'm really saying is you guys give SMG too much credit, it is really not that good. It's just another platformer, and everyone just think it's good because that **** Mario is in it.
BTW-If you say R&C:FTODsucksor floped or whatever(unless you just wanna have a nice talk and youcan tell why you don't like it)it's clear you never played the game, so I will just ignore your comment
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