This Console Late PORT by ubisoft (Rayman Origins, newer to PC this year, came out on Consoles late last year) is one of those more rare "better on Console" due to ease of use MULTIPLAYER (controllers and large screen), and I've seen it for $15-$20 on consoles both digitally and retail.
Still, $15 is a typical, yet decent price for this newer Rayman Origins Steamgame (even dealing with horrible DRM), but the fun factor is in this Rayman's Game amazing co-op, platforming MP. While this version supports co op, not many that use PC's have their setup for co op. Speaking hypothetically, I wouldn't buy this version of Rayman Origins Digitally unless my PC was properly prepared for 2-4 players on a larger screen, ready to party.
Otherwise if we are talking a typical 24 inch monitor PC setup (or possibly smaller screen for lappy users), solo playing, or trying to shoehorn people around your small PC monitor to play this platformer with multiple controllers (make sure you have 3-4 USB ports, and 3-4 controllers for PC as well)...I would wait for a sale on PS360 once again. This game DOES NOT support online cooperation MP. It's local (as in no Online, right from the PC), as it's a console port.
Like I said, I've seen it $15-$20 at RETAIL (No DRM, Sellable if you don't like it, Tradeable, etc), and $15-$20 on XBLA-PSN.
Also, be warned. This is a Platformer designed for a controller. It's not a keyboard made platformer. It can be done, but I wouldn't want to put myself through that kind of rough experience...unless this game was $5 on Steam.
To respond also to the price, I bought this game long ago last year, so I am not buying the late port PC version again, especially after knowing my playstyIe, and already having finished the game.
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