From the article...
'It actually just trips over its own feet and flies off the wriststrap through your mum's window. Because it doesn't feature an improved control scheme, it features the opposite: a worse control scheme."
"You'll point the Wiimote at things you want to shoot, but this is a wobbly, fuzzy experience, compared to the precision of the previous versions of the game."
"The disjoint between the analogue stick and the Wiimote also reduces knife combat to a horrible random confusion of spazzing around trying to line targets up without ending up staring at the ground, or up at the sky."
"a hokey conspiracy plot, corny voiceacting,"
"Maybe I'm being unkind. Maybe this review is nothing more than the out-of-date opinions of a gaming dinosaur, out of touch with the general gamer. Maybe Wii's target audience will take to this like a duck to water, unburdened by hands that are semi-permanently contorted into a dual-stick controller grasp. Maybe it is, as many people are saying, the definitive version of the definitive game in Capcom's superb survival horror series. But they're not writing this review. I am, and in my opinion, bolting on an unwieldy Wii control scheme adds nothing to the game; it just makes it slightly worse."
LOL @ Eurogamer...It took me 10 minutes to get used to the controls. It was then I realized how much better the Wii controls really are.
Eurogamer :lol:
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