I have several:
- E3 '06 Sony Press Conference- the day that the $599 PS3 pricetag was announced. I had been eagerly awaiting the PS3, and had no desire for a 360, but this day changed all of that for me, forever.
- some fake poster named "Radi" or "Radu"- claimed to be from a poor middle eastern country, posted in broken English. When he stated that his family earned $15 per month, and that he wanted a PS3, PS3 fanboys were replying "Keep working with your dream in mind! You can one day save up for a PS3!" (LOL) and "oh, I hate how they treat people in third world countries! Why don't they give them more money?" (LOL)- absolutely hilariously naive responses
- some guy claimed (probably falsely) that he had had 4 XBOX360s, and that 3 of them had the RROD (LOL)
- some idiot was claiming that the USA deserved to get nuked because of the fact that they nuked Japan in WWII (LOLOLOL- is that what they are teaching high school kids these days????)
- I LOVED IT, everytime some PS3 fanboy made fun of people for being "poor" for complaining about the PS3 pricetag (LOLOL)
- some guy claimed that he had been working a job for 5 months to be able to afford a PS3, and then the price drops TWICE in less than a year, still with no games (LOL, but also **tears**)
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