I don't even need RDR to be out to know that I will enjoy it more than I enjoyed Fallout 3(which I couldn't even bring myself to like for more than 5 hours) That game was so lifeless, devoid of a soul or personality.
It's my biggest beef with Bethesda ever since the first elder scrolls games. They know how to make a game world expansive and "deep" blah blah. But it all feels empty and lifeless to me. Bethesda has these games that are well crafted, polished for the most part(hitches here and there), well thought out, progressive in certain ways, but the games feel like it was made by a bunch of lifeless robots instead of people with a personality. That is why their games bore me to death.
Rockstar on the other hand? They make some of the most horrible games from a mechanics standpoint at times, they can royally screw up the polish end of things, and they can go as far as to be pretentious, but they know how to entertain. There games have some personality to them, some life to them. They know how to engage their consumer as much as they can piss you off with bad design choices. So I'll take RDR in this case.
Bethesda is actually one of my favorite developers, and i believe there games are the exact opposite of what you think, if you watch the opening cutscene to Oblivion you get a real sense of a living breathing world with near infinite explorations and people to talk with that provide endless quests and multiple characters and guilds to be a part of.
Games like Fallout 3 and the Elder Scrolls series are more involved then most gamers ever discover, because they either don't put in the thought and time necessary to get the most out of them or, there just to complex for the average shooter, sports or platforming game lover to comprehend.
These games require skill, strategy and thought to be able to progress at a steady pace. So that could be the reason a lot of people don't like them, because those who do, absolutely love them.
AS games job is to engage the player, not have the player force himself into finding ways to like the game. It's what makes FF13 boring, it's 20 hours of repetition before it finally opens up is NOT GOOD DESIGN. That's called bad pacing. That's the kind of stuff you put up with in Fallout 3 and Oblivion, and all that opening cutscene does is show you a beautiful world.
As far as really making it feel alive? Please the NPCs suck the life out of it, the gameplay/quest lines suck the life out of it. The actual game world itself sucks the very life out of it. Games like Fallout 1/2, Planescape Torment, The Witcher, Bioware RPGS(and I royally love to hate on them) etc know how to engage the player from the get go. That is something bethesda never could do for me.As for skill? :lol: is that a joke? RPGs tend to be one of the easiest genres as far as progression is concerned(with ofcourse specific exceptions to this rule). I have no beef with the genre, Bethesda just lacks a soul to their games. It's more grind and micromanagement here and there, but that's really it. Not to mention Oblivion is like the dumb man's marrowind, and Fallout 3? pfft the originals were "complex" and required strategy. Fallout 3 is a joke in that department.
There games come off to me as lifeless and boring. You can't fix that by being "deep". Thats basically a waste of depth of you have to suffer so much tedium to get to the depth.
Ok well going by your sig pic, i'm going to guess your between the ages of 15 to 25 years old, and thats fine, but if you've always been an RPG hater then no game that even has RPG elements in it are going to interest you.
Especially Fallout 3 or Oblivion, it's not that the games or Bethesda are bad, it's because you just don't like RPG's, sorry but myself and the majority of online and magazine reviewers side with me on these 2 games, feel free to goto Gamerankings.com and look up Fallout 3 and Oblivion for yourself and you'll see.
If you prefer platformers or action-adventures, or even shooters thats fine but to come into a thread and mach games that you personally don't get or don't like because you hate RPG's is no kind of logical argument.
That would be like if i hated sport games and going into a thread about Madden or Tiger Woods and saying they suck just because there sport titles, thats no kind of argument, so if you don't like RPG's thats fine but unless you've made some attempt to play a few hours of the games you've commented on as an RPG fan then i'm afraid your not entitled to really give an honest opinion.
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