[QUOTE="Metalscarz"]Red Dead Redemption $49.99 used at some Gamestop stores. Less then two weeks after the game came out.
No wonder devs/pubs get pissed. The game hasn't even had a full month to amass sales and Gamestop is already selling it at $10 less then new. That's even cheaper then the $5 off for a new used game they usually pull.
Regardless of consumer rights arguments, it's tough to say the developers and publishers have no issue to be pissed about IMO, even if you don't agree with how they try to combat this.
yeah, developers all over the place are getting sick and tired of making profit on there games, it's not as if rockstar ain't going to profit from RDR,and i don't hear them complaining about it, if they where actually going to lose money and have to lay off workers then i could see your point, let's just deny poorer people from having access to the hobbie that's meant to be for everyone, so the hard done by profit making developers can increase there profit margin, while we are at it, let's stop people selling there games on so they eventually end up throwing them in the bin so nobody can use them,what a waste thet would be.Developers everywhere are shutting down left and right, or are losing money. Do you not read the headlines on this very site? Ubisoft, and even EA are LOSING money.
Incentives to buy new is a way for them to maximize revenue streams for games that cost many millions + to make. Period.
If all you care for is a bargain then keep buying used, I couldn't care less.
But pretending the developers have nothing to be pissed off at when they are making less then they would if there was someway to stop, or delay used game sales is silly. Do you really think these companies care about you and bargain hunting? Especially if you buy used? Why should they?
And about trying to "deny" poorer people? Who's talking about denying anyone? Used game sale will not stop, even if devs can devalue them.
I'm saying that it's no wonder they are pissed when a big name game is being recyled at maximum profit for the MIDDLE MAN, so soon after release. No wonder they are trying to devalue used games. I would if I was them as well.
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