I used to love her...Her being the pearly wii nintendo Wii. As of recently I have been unfaithful. I remember spending hours defending the Wii in the systemwars forum under constant threat of TOS violations...I have since grown...
I just do not see why Nintendo is treating its loyal fans like dirt. The Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 both cater to the fans every whim and want...why can't nintendo seem to get it right. There is no DLC, no communication ...what so ever, so demoes, no next gen graphics...the list goes on.
You may wonder when my eyes were open to the experiences of the PS3 and Xbox360... I recently purchased my copy of Super Smash Bros Brawl to fight with my favorite Nintendo characters. Snake, Mario, Sonic, all in one game...It was amazing. Then time set in...I had unlocked all of the stages, characters, and even completed the game with every character. My friends had all moved on to rounds of other games and I was left by myself to spend my free time alone. I tried to turn to the Wii Wificonnect to engage in some Brawling over the internet but was frustrated by the sterility of the experience. Super Smash Bros Brawl is a great game, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I feel that it would have been better on another console. If it weren't for Nintendo's lack touch with the "Modern" gamer, this game would have been better and would be more playable after you unlock everything.
Smash isn't the only game that suffers from this. Every Wii game suffers. FriendCodes, no voicechat, no text chat, no Hdd, (SD cards, even SDHD cards are not enough storage...), no media options, no NOTHING. The Wii is basically a console that was made so I can wave my hands around in lackluster games, and feel extremely frustrated for the Developers of great games who couldn't make the game more appealing because of Nintendo's restrictions.
You may wonder what I'm going now. I'm playing the great PS3 and Xbox360 games. Resistance, Halo, Forza, Viva Pinata (lol this one is kinda cool). I'm chatting with my buddies on Xboxlive and I'm looking forward to the launch of home. My buddies still visit my house, and If they want to play a round of SSBB, fine...I'll play...but after it gets put back in its box, awaiting ressurection from the VideoGame purgatory that is NINTENDO....
Sorry dude but i couldn't care less about online especially on consoles. Xbox online? So overrated. If you want online games, PC is the superior one. I am an SP gamer and only play MP with strategy games like Starcraft. I am good with no voice chat, etc. I don't like talking to people online or people talking to me using voice chats. Also, i don't want to play with idiotic, immature, stupid people thank you very much.
PS3/Xbox 360 are becoming like PCs which they really FAIL HARD. Not bashing them because i like their games too but people like you just make me say things i don't like with other consoles. They are like inferior low-end PCs. Wii is the definition of a console which is simplicity, pick up and play, plug and play and fun.
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