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it's "couldn't care less" because otherwise it implies you do have some feeling towards itTheBigDratlol done and done. whoops.
Well I gotta give MS props because thet are going up against two juggernaut game companys and doing failry well. The ground they have gained on sony is unpresidented from what was seen last gen with complete and utter sony dominance. MS has managed to:
Bring in the hardcore audience
Get megaton exclusives for there consoles (gears of war, halo 3, fable)
Dominate in the online departement.
All in 7 years
the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.prodiqy32lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.
[QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.surfer_dude_lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.[QUOTE="surfer_dude_"][QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.prodiqy32
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
but.. but... teh futurelmao
The Wii will be around the longest because its the most profitable. period.
[QUOTE="prodiqy32"]lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.[QUOTE="surfer_dude_"][QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.surfer_dude_
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
but.. but... teh futurelmao
The Wii will be around the longest because its the most profitable. period.
that is your answer? lol. alrighty then!do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
6-8 years are you mad? i guess tops 4 more years before both systems are hopelessly out of date.
and yes i am aware that ps2 was around for 7 years but ehm its different now more competition therefore this gen is more of a arms race and the way to win people over is creating consoles often which also are good.
Cause comeon who wants to play on a thing with 8 year old computer hardware?
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
6-8 years are you mad? i guess tops 4 more years before both systems are hopelessly out of date.
and yes i am aware that ps2 was around for 7 years but ehm its different now more competition therefore this gen is more of a arms race and the way to win people over is creating consoles often which also are good.
Cause comeon who wants to play on a thing with 8 year old computer hardware?
sheep are doing it right now with the gamecu.... i mean the wii.Wii hasn't won anything really, it's just a secondary console. Wii was never in the war to begin with.CHRIS_K_UKThe wii hasnt won anything ?
A GoTY award and an Tech Emmy is nothing ? :lol:
If the wii isnt in the console war then who is it competing against ?
Well, the last news item that came out yesterday claims that the 360 is currently on track to sell over 28 million consoles this gen. Now, assuming that is a fair projection...that is only slightly more (if not equal) than the original Xbox sold.
I fail to see how that means MS has gained ground on Sony. If anything, Sony has stumbled and dropped the ball. Sony was on the top of the hill and have since slipped and fallen. That doesn't mean MS has climbed higher. They just look better because they didn't slip and fall themselves.
I'm a sheep, and I couldnt care less about the war between MS and Sony, Nintendo wins this gen hands down, but you gotta give MS credit in that they have held their lead against Sonyin 2007. Thats quite an impressive feat... though in the long run the PS3 will likely be second way behind the Wii.surfer_dude_
Microsoft's main goal for this gen is to end Sony's dominance. The plan is working out perfectly....with Ninty's help, of course.
lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.[QUOTE="surfer_dude_"][QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.prodiqy32
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
Stop listening to Sony.
The PS4 will come out 6yrs after the PS3. Just like the PS3 came out 6yrs after the PS2. Just like the PS2 came out 6yrs after the PS1.
You can expect a new Xbox in 2011 and the PS4 in 2012.
[QUOTE="prodiqy32"]lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.[QUOTE="surfer_dude_"][QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.LosDaddie
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
Stop listening to Sony.
The PS4 will come out 6yrs after the PS3. Just like the PS3 came out 6yrs after the PS2. Just like the PS2 came out 6yrs after the PS1.
You can expect a new Xbox in 2011 and the PS4 in 2012.
Just because they say a console is 10 years doesn't mean they won't release a new one before the 10 years is past. :| People seriously need to realize this.
lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.[QUOTE="surfer_dude_"][QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.prodiqy32
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
There is little chance the 360 or PS3 will still be going in 6 years. There is NO chance of 8. I think a new gen is likely to begin 2012, 2013.
Well, the last news item that came out yesterday claims that the 360 is currently on track to sell over 28 million consoles this gen. Now, assuming that is a fair projection...that is only slightly more (if not equal) than the original Xbox sold.
I fail to see how that means MS has gained ground on Sony. If anything, Sony has stumbled and dropped the ball. Sony was on the top of the hill and have since slipped and fallen. That doesn't mean MS has climbed higher. They just look better because they didn't slip and fall themselves.
Don't those projections assume no price drops and corresponding sales acceleration? What was the PS2 projecting towards before it dropped its price to the $200 "sweet-spot?" Not 120 Million, I'd hazard.
Well, the last news item that came out yesterday claims that the 360 is currently on track to sell over 28 million consoles this gen. Now, assuming that is a fair projection...that is only slightly more (if not equal) than the original Xbox sold.
I fail to see how that means MS has gained ground on Sony. If anything, Sony has stumbled and dropped the ball. Sony was on the top of the hill and have since slipped and fallen. That doesn't mean MS has climbed higher. They just look better because they didn't slip and fall themselves.
Have a link to this prediction?
Well, the last news item that came out yesterday claims that the 360 is currently on track to sell over 28 million consoles this gen. Now, assuming that is a fair projection...that is only slightly more (if not equal) than the original Xbox sold.
I expect the Xbox 360 will sell much better than the original Xbox - there is a lot more room for Microsoft to drop the price of the console to a more comfortable level that is better for the mass market.
People forget that the Xbox dropped in price to from $299 to $199 a couple months after its initial launch. The 360 launched at $399 and saw only a modest price drop of $50 nearly two years after its launch.
When the 360 pro hits $199-$249 I think you will see far stronger sales of the console. Price drops always spike sales.
until they sold more 360 than xboxes 1 then get back to me. they have not gained any thing. they lost 3 billion on the 3 year warrenty alone. GARRYTH
Any console owner should be a little concerned with sales, as bad sales eventually lead to poor developer support which will turn your console into a paperweight. However, only shareholders should be concerned about losses due to a bloody warranty.
The wii hasnt won anything ?[QUOTE="CHRIS_K_UK"]Wii hasn't won anything really, it's just a secondary console. Wii was never in the war to begin with.Gh0st_Of_0nyx
A GoTY award and an Tech Emmy is nothing ? :lol:
If the wii isnt in the console war then who is it competing against ?
As expected, the bashes against the Wii boil down to "teh kiddiez". As if the existence of Mario Party negates the Galaxy, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros, No More Heroes, etc...I'm just glad there is actually legit competition for Sony now, no competition is how you get a 600.00 dollar console.
lmao obviously you've been avoiding reality... err I mean the sales charts.[QUOTE="surfer_dude_"][QUOTE="prodiqy32"]the wii wins hands down? how did you come up with that? o yeah, i forgot. GOTY.prodiqy32
do you think the wii will be around in 4 years? its winning now but the 360 and PS3 has a good 6 to 8 years left. the wii is already badly outdated. nintendo will make a new system sooner then you think. and im glad because the wii is garbage.
The PS2 is horribly outdated but it was threatening to outsell the PS3 until the slim came out.
Wii hasn't won anything really, it's just a secondary console. Wii was never in the war to begin with.CHRIS_K_UK
Are you going to go on to say that the PS3 won the console war because it was the only one fighting in it?:question::roll:
[QUOTE="CHRIS_K_UK"]Wii hasn't won anything really, it's just a secondary console. Wii was never in the war to begin with.Burning-Sludge
Are you going to go on to say that the PS3 won the console war because it was the only one fighting in it?:question::roll:
By sales, the wii has won the war. By graphics, it's still quite the battle but the Wii is not inlcuded. By gameplay, the wii has it's own niche, and the 360 and PS3 battle together neck and neck. I think that MS has gained HUGE ground on Sony this generation, last generation, the Xbox was but a blip on gamers radars, it was quite rare to know someone who had one, now a days, almost any gamer you speak to has a 360 or has had one.They've gained so much ground because they have the best online service for consoles. Last generation that didn't really matter for consoles because most people still played either single player or splitscreen.
This generation, online took off and went from the one thing keeping the Xbox chugging to the thing that made it so popular.
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