Welcome to the 7th gen. Well, actually we're coming up on 3 years after the start of the 7th gen, but that's besides the point. Now that we know what Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft has to offer, and have a good idea where they are heading, its time we shake things up here a bit at system wars.
Now comes the part for YOUR input.
With the manticoren (yes that is correct plural according to most English spelling rules) lacking a symbol, its time we gave them one that really puts them up there. The choices so far are a scorpion (for having powerful offensive and defensive posts), penguins (having wide appeal), and maybe something you want to put in there, but please, post a reason why.
Reasons for the current fanboy names(please post and correct if I am wrong):
Sony fanboys are currently nicknamed cows because of the way the PS2 was set up. In order to get the full experience, one must have bought items such as the multitap, USB headsets, and so forth.
Nintendo fanboys are currently nicknamed sheep because sheep blindly follow their leaders.
The orgins of Microsoft's "lemmings" and PC gamers' "hermits" are unbeknownst to me.
Here are the proposed names for the following types of fanboys.
Sony- The KITTENS. Kittens are blind from birth and are very trusting of any cat/human of higher authority. Similar to the ways that Sony fanboys keep believing Sony's promises which may or may not come true.
Nintendo- The PUPPIES. Puppies are very optimistic, loyal, and are even optimistic when abandoned, similar to the way some would claim that Nintendo fanboys were abandoned at the recent E3.
Microsoft - The GOATS. Because cows was already taken, and some of the fees that come along to play with their console (which some would call milking), they have been given the nickname of the Goats.
PC gamers- The SNAKES. Snakes are sometimes respected, but sometimes feared. I actually cant come up with a good nickname for them, so, your input is needed here too.
Again, if you think another name suits them better, PLEASE post and say which name suits them better AND WHY.
And if this is in anyway against the TOU or TOS, lock it please. If not, here is my request for a sticky. 8)
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