After slaving over my computer for three hours, I finally did it. I was able to retrieve the data for the Japan RE5 demo offline, burn it all on to a disksuccessfullyand have it run on my 360. It was an annoying and frustrating experience, but oh man was to worth it. I have played the demo for about two hours with my friend over Xbox Live and here are my thoughts:
First off, let me just state how wonderful looking this game is. It is gritty and dirty looking while still managing to capture you with it's brilliantly rendered textures. Kissing up on any of the walls doesn't reveal anything cringe worthy.
The enemies are crazed, angry and dangerous. This is shown perfectly through their animation. The thrash and charge with such chaotic disarray that seeing a whole mob of them is quite the sight.
All of the guns crack and boom with strong audio, giving you great feed back on all of the shots you fire. Blowing off a shotgun shell into a round of enemies is a bloody and a celebration of all sorts of nauseating squishing noises. Whenever you are given the chance to preform a quick-time attack, you are granted a satisfying cracking/slamming noise as Chris smacks the blood from the enemies face with a mighty uppercut.
Of all the things I have listed there is one very important thing to note: this game is going to make your hands sweat. With so little ammo, so many (dangerous) foes, you are constantly under an extreme amount of pressure. The presence of a co-op character DOES NOT weaken the intensity - it heightens it.
Now, mid battle, you are required to be passing off ammo,grenadesand healing items while certain death is running full speed all around you. This is done by a very quick and easy-to-use pop-up menu that acts as the inventory. Don't worry - it's set up well enough so that trading items is not a pain.
You really have to look out for each other in the co-op, more so then in other games. You are able to bring your partner back from a death status and punch out enemies that aregrapplingwith them.
Overall: holy crap. It's rare that I am so excited for a game and it comes through in such a way. NAPK1NS is deeply satisfied. Feel free to drop any questions you have and I'll be sure to answer then as soon as I can!
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