Don't count on it, chief. Just about everything we have seen of the game suggests that it won't be going to Wii.
For one thing, co-op (online co-op, yes?) seems to be a big part of the game, and I just don't see that feature working on Wii, at all. Supposing that they did do the core online stuff for Wii, how would it work out? No voicechat, right? Don't you think that would suck all manner of ass?
Also, alot of the visual elements don't seem to fit the Wii all that well; in order to maintain the number of enemies onscreen, and the lighting effects (which are a core part of the gameplay), I imagine the downgrade would be pretty hefty. Hell, in order to maintain the same core gameplay, I would almost imagine that an RE5: Wii version could end up looking worse than RE4: Wii.
I seriously doubt you will see a Wii version. I'd go so far as to call it highly unlikely.
BTW, where is the downgrade upon which you are basing your argument? I really don't see it. In fact, I don't see much of anything in those shots by which to judge the game's general visual quality.
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