So, Resident Evil Revelations 2 on Vita is now out, and as many suspected, it's a throwaway, low quality port. Its graphics and performance have taken a dramatic stutter, and in many places, it is looking worse than Resident Evil Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS.
Here are some impressions:
Played up through the prison with Claire, so about forty minutes worth. Should be said that I've only played the PS4 version before, but some impressions.
-Textures are a very muddy now, some worse than others. Blood textures and decals look really bright now.
-Character models look pretty good, think a bit more effort was put into preserving these over the environment.
-Lighting has took a big hit, very flat and much brighter in general now. Kind of makes the item flashes for Moira harder to see imo.
-Framerate is all over the place, but it hasn't become unplayable for me (which I understand is fairly subjective), at a guess I'd say it was hovering around the mid 20's for the majority with some dips into the teens. The dips, so far, seem more to do with the environment you're in rather than enemy count.
-The sound is the area that seems to have taken the biggest hit, oddly enough. Sounds very dull and muffled, think it's been hit the hardest by a lot of compression which is disappointing.
-Control seems nice and responsive. Gyro aiming is in there, although I didn't try it. Seems like what was previously on R1/L1 and R3/L3 is now assigned to the touch screen, and thankfully they don't have icons for those on screen.
Some pictures:

A video:
A day may come, when Sony's third party relations team comes up with a product that isn't ultimately shit quality... but it is not this day.
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