It's quite perplexing as to all the DLC. I mean sure, it's easy to understand they want to milk this as much as possible, greed is easy to understand. Just the release of this game is puzzling, 4 episodes for $6 each, $24 total, a season pass that's $25 but comes with two extra episodes and a raid mode character/skin. And then the physical retail $40 is supposed to come with an extra two episodes on top of what the season pass gets and another character/raid skin, and I think the throwback pack of raid maps which goes for $5 and isn't included in the season pass... why not just sell the whole thing for a flat price. There's a skin pack of four for $10 or $3/piece. Frankly, I don't care for the skins, but it is something I feel should be included in the game, after all RE games have been big on unlocking stuff. There's also what I believe to be weapon leveling-up shortcut micro-transactions, I can ignore those.
What really makes me go WTF though is that they have a piece of free DLC called the Compatibility Pack which is needed to download to use the skin DLC or play the throwback map pack... damn, icing on the cake. I don't understand this at all.
Anyhow, probably even more baffling example of DLC gone haywire is Dead Or Alive: Ultimate's digital retail page. Downloading the full game means downloading like 43 pieces of DLC for the full gamebundle, not just one, 43 damn pieces. I understand the idea behind the Core Fighters download, a limited free to play game (on PS4 at least) and $5 for a limited time on Xbox One, and then be able to piece up to the full game if desired, but this is even a bigger mess. On top of that, there's even more seemingly countless DLC beyond the full game, I'm not sure if this is stuff unlocked in the full game or what but there's like 100 pieces of additional DLC (mostly costumes) and it's frankly quite puzzling to me to the point I'm avoiding playing the game. I'm not sure if any of it is supposed to come with the game or be paid for seperately, it's all very confusing.
By contrast, Revelations 2 DLC seems like less of a headache. At least as far as RER2 goes the only pieces of DLC I care about are the extra episodes that come with the retail version and the Throwback Pack. Throwback is only $5 but I'm curious what price they'll put on the extra episodes. By the time the retail version releases they should at least bundle all the extra episodes, throwback pack, and skins into a nice little bundle... hopefully, but doubtful. I'll not try to anger myself by being a realist about what's probably going to happen.
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