The System Wars Cowboy is coming to a thread near you to give you biased, hardcore info on today's hottest systems. To give you, my eager fans, a taste of whats to come over the next few weeks I have puttogether a list of the greatest momentsyou and I (the King of SW) haved shared over the past year!
5) The day I first started the account
4) Being Pwned frequently
3) Me just being awesome
2) (You can't read what it truly saysbecause you are not awesome enough)
1) My coronation as The System Wars Cowboy
P.S. Killzone 2 actually lived up to the graphic hype, a sign of great things to come from Sony? Can the Wii continue to pick up steam as the release of Super Mario Galaxy nears? Will the 360 solidify its ground as the dominate force in HD gaming with one of the hottest fall line-ups ever? Stay tuned for more from Yours Truly!
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