REVISED: I have added a short, somewhat interactive, novel that i'm going to write. Please scroll down 12 post till you see my red wall of text, that's the Introduction. I'm planning on writing a short story with 8 chapters that is inspired by all of gaming since its beginning. In that post below is merely the Introduction with more detailed instructions. If you want to see the story come to life then this thread has to be in the top two pages of the every 24 hours period with 5 personified stories by the users here, as described in the OP, this post below. The short story i am writing is using the same principle of personification but with a little more class than my first post. END OF REVISION
Personifying something is adding human attributes to an inanimate object. Like saying the "mountainsclaps its hands or the windwispersmy name." Now we are going to chose any gaming platforms you want to make a true story veild in a fiction story using personified consoles, meaning they will take the roll of a person in that story. Then, the posters below needs to try and interpret the meaning.
The writers of the stories are free to reveal their true meaning at any time. The story you tell can be fiction or non-fiction but it needs to represent a non-fiction truth veiled inside. The person, the gaming system that it is personifying, needs to be in bold, and italic, with parentheses next to it identifying the system its personifying. Also, you can personify other things that helps make your story (e.g. games).I'll do mine first in case this is confusing anyone. And just for fun, the stories you try to interpret you can rate from 1-10 for humor, creativity or the truth found in them.
Here's my story:
Today, i came home early from work. I found my wife (Xbox 360) cheating on me with the mailman(Subscriptions fees, cost of games, ect.)I was outraged. I wanted to smash her face in and leave her for good but i had the kids (Xbox 360 games, DLC, gamer score, friends list, etc) to think about. I had to call one of my closest friends(PS3) to pick me up and calm me down. We've been good friends since high school and we actually dated each other way back then, more than 10 years ago. My wife never got jealous of our friendship because I was friends with her even before my wife and i first started dating. Well, something unexpected happen when she was consoling me. The old feelings i had for her started to come back all over again, but much more passionately.
After a week, I went back to my wife but things aren't the same. I'm now cheating on her with my best friend and my wife and I are no longer intimate (paying money for DLC's, movies, other media lol) and really are not on the best speaking terms atm. However, I'm there for the kids. Mean while my time between my kids and my best friend is completely split. I never new how much my closestfriend has evolved in life. She does some amazing things in bed (PSN+), let me tell you. However, my kids matter just as much as my own happiness so i find myself in this love triangle, between tolerating my wife so i can spend time with the kids, and sneaking off to be with my new girlfriend, who used to be my best friend.
Ok, i'm done. I have no idea if anyone else finds this stuff entertaining but it can be if people participate. I'm not very good at these things but i enjoy what other people do. I just did the above story so ya'll know what i'm talking about. So, interpret my story, rate it, follow the guidelines i set up above and then do your own story with personification. In turn, i'll rate and try to interpret yours. Lets have fun while we put some humor here on system wars.
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