Rock Band 3 has released and in case you have happened to live in some cave under a rock, you will know that it scored a 9.0. It holds a 94 average on Metacritic, which makes it the third highest rated game of the year. Now, this is a monumental achievement in its own right and is on the level of games such as God of War 3, Mass Effect 2, Vanquish, Super Street Fighter IV and Civilization V. The only games this year able to supposedly surpass Rock Band 3's greatness are over-rated games such as Halo: Reach, Starcraft 2, Red Dead Redemption and Super Mario Galaxy 2. But I am not here to inform you what lousy games Rock Band 3 got outscored by, but what lousy games it did outscore :)
Fable 3 and its overly simplified gimmick of a concept was no match for the guitar solos of Rock Band 3.
Heavy Rain and its plot-hole ridden cliche story was no equal to the vocal harmonies of Rock Band 3.
Metroid Other M and its whiny protagonist failed to measure up to the keyboard skills of Rock Band 3.
Alan Wake and its disgustingly downgraded aborted version of itself can't hold a candle to the monstrous setlist of Rock Band 3
Final Fantasy XIII.....Just fails and shouldn't even be in the same sentence as Rock Band 3.
It is clear that Rock Band 3 is going to be a prime contender for GOTY here at Gamespot, and all over the world. Harmonix has not only created their magnum opus, but has created something that no other game can contend: They have created the definitive experience of their respective genre. Save your flameshields System Wars, for I will not need them. Rock Band 3 is greater than any flameshield you give it and will crush any game in its path. Also, nobody better use the "learn how to use a real instrument already" argument, because Rock Band 3 now enables players to learn to use the instruments they imitate. Activate Pro Mode and if you can play that solo in Crazy Train, you can play it in real life. How about that naysayers ;)
Rock Band 3 isn't just a game, it is a revolution. I am not even going to bother mentioning how much better it is to Guitar Hero, because Guitar Hero stopped being fun the moment Harmonix left it to make Rock Band. It is going back to the roots of gaming by giving players exactly what they want: Pure fun. There is a primal enjoyment experienced by it that is the reason we all game. Rock Band 3 will be played for years to come, which is more than can be said about many of the flavour of the week's released this year (I am looking at you Bayonetta).
Oh yeah and Horatio's favourite song
Can only be played in Rock Band
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