Hmm the only "open-world" game Rockstar San Diego made was Red Dead Redemption. This seems legit. I think it's about time as well since RDR came out in 2010. Red Dead Revolution please please please. :)
Rockstar Hiring For Possible Red Dead Redemption Sequel
Rockstar San Diego is an interesting little developer. Having workedon smaller titles likeTable TennisandSmuggler's Run, the moderatelypopularMidnight Clubseries and then knocking it out of the park withRed Dead Redemption.Their open-world Western odyssey captured thehearts and imaginations of everyone who ever caught themselvesadmiring a pair of cowboy boots or has ever grunted a subvocal 'Howdy'when no one was looking.
Which is especially interesting, because Rockstar San Diego made itbig with their first critically acclaimed sandbox. Why is this interesting? Well for fans of the
game and even more interesting to the burgeoning AI programmer,Rockstar San Diego is looking to craft AI for a new "open worldexperience".Is this Rockstar's first sign of a return to the dusty end of theWestern age? This would most likely be the case, though a new IP isnot an impossible idea. WithGrand Theft Auto Von its way, let's notforget that after number IV, Rockstar wasn't afraid to spread itswings and try new things, putting a Western in the spotlight and evencreating an entirely new IP withL.A. Noire.
Has a sequel been officially announced? No. Would a new IP beinteresting and exciting to hear about? Yes. Would a return to the OldWest featuring Rockstar's outstanding writing and open world ****besomething to get excited about? You bet 'yer sorry hide, partner.
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