@Pedro said:
@navyguy21: Yep. Sony fannies still living in a world where Sony games being exclusive is a thing.
No way Helldivers would've sold 60% on PC if they released it 1-2years later.
I think it is very telling that during the Helldivers reversal, they said "we are still figuring out PC". Sony has been on top so long that they are living in a bubble that they created, thinking that everyone on PC that wanted to play it will buy it when it eventually comes to PC.
There are so many games releasing on PC that your game will get drowned out, regardless of what quality YOU think it is. Better to release day and date (even single player games) and capitalize on hype or the PC community will wishlist and forget it. I have 40+ games on my Steam wishlist that I forget about until a Steam sale notifies me lol
I think the Sony fans are like an old pastor, preaching the message of the Sony sacred text (exclusives and console sales), all the while not realizing that the population is moving to digital sermons. (funny because this is happening in real life, people arent attending real churches anymore, especially young people, and they have started to offer online services to catch up to youtube/twitch sermons/pastors)
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