[QUOTE="blues3531"]with the name endless crisis it will probably some lame spinoff like dirge of cerberus or crisis core just set in the ff7 universe which would piss me off cuz an ff7 remake would be amazing. i dont want a spinoff or a sequelxDonRobx
If you want FF7, it was released a decade ago on this system called the Playstation
Just because it has nice graphics doesn't mean its going to be any better. I'd rather have a spinoff, sure it may suck but atleast its not a 10 year old game in HD.
woot ^^
also it wouldn't have the same feel to it ;)
And NO do not encourage more FF 7 spinoffs, to be fair. If an FF 7 remake was coming again i think it would go to Wii/ or DS. 360 long run, why?
Because if you had a PS1 you would of played FF 7 it was still being sold long into the PS2's life. So its not like it was hard to find, well not to difficult anycase. (I still have my copy :D)
Why sell the same game to the same fans, when you can increase the userbase :S
I also dont think they would put so much resorces into a full next gen title for PS3 or 360 for that matter when they have 2 PS3 titles to work on. Along with one multiplat and some handheld games.
So yeh..if it is announced, it would be on the Wii or Ds, not the PS3. Or maybe the original will go on the PSN marketplace.
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