Normally we have data from Japan, USA or UK, but this morning we have received from our country, which receive magazines like GamesIndustry well (although in their case the publishing software, leaving aside the hardware, which is always here try overlap). En estos momentos la situación en España en cuanto a ventas de consolas de nueva generación es la siguiente (redondeando): PlayStation 3 ha superado las 400,000 unidades,tomando una ventaja respectoa Wii en 50,000 unidades, ya que esta no llega a las 360,000 unidades vendidas. At the moment the situation in Spain in terms of sales of new generation of consoles is as follows (rounded): PlayStation 3 has exceeded 400000 units, taking advantage regarding Wii at 50000 units, as this is less than 360000 units sold. Xbox 360 se sitúa con poco más de 219,000 unidades vendidas, lo que le sitúa ya muy lejos respecto a sus competidoras, pero mejorando la primera Xbox. Xbox 360 is little more than 219000 units sold, which puts a considerable way towards their competitors, but by improving the first Xbox. Está visto que el modelo de 40 Gb. It is seen that the model of 40 Gb. que ha lanzado Sony ha hecho estragos tras reducir su precio de venta al público y lanzar tÃtulos como Uncharted o packs especiales con compañÃas (véase EA)y grandes superficies (Carrefour). He launched Sony has wreaked havoc after reducing its retail price and launch titles as Uncharted or companies with special packs (see EA) and supermarkets (Carrefour).
buh buh spain is such of a small nation. :cry: :? 400k units in less then a year seems like a pretty significant number to me.
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