my bet is on sam
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Sonic Grenades
As a variant on flashbangs, sonic grenades are vary narrowly useful. Like flashbangs, they'll disorient anyone near them, but the effect will literally last for only a second or two. The area of effect in which they'll alert guards, though, is much smaller than flashbangs, which makes them somewhat useful to use when attempting to bypass guards without killing or disabling them; just drop a sonic at their feet, wait for it to go off, then quickly run to the next spot of cover. The duration is so short, though, that attempting to grapple the target is unwise, at best.
Explosive Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is a bit more situational than other weapons in the SC-20k arsenal, and really isn't going to be necessary for most stealth-oriented characters; you can avoid most enemies in the game, and those you can't can be dispatched with shockers and airfoils much more easily than they can with cameras. That said, if you're on some insane quest to get through the game without ever attracting any attention or hurting a single opponent, then sticky cameras might be useful. When fired at a wall or flat surface, they'll impact and start relaying video data back to Sam, allowing him to see a good area around the camera's position. While in the camera view, you can use the alt-fire button to make a clicking sound, which will attract guards to the camera (and presumably away from Sam), while the primary fire will unleash a cloud of nerve gas that will incapacitate your foe. Unfortunately, the nerve gas firing is fairly noisy in and of itself, and will likely attract the attention of other nearby foes, which can cause problems if they find the body of the guy you just knocked out.
If you fire a sticky camera and don't use the gas feature, you can walk over to its location and pick it up to re-use it. Were this a purely first-person game, they'd thus be pretty useful for scouting around corners, but since you can simply adjust your view to peek around most obstacles, their utility as purely observational devices is fairly minimal, especially with your 3D map and radar functions.
Ultrasonic Emitter
The Ultrasonic Emitter will be a fairly handy device to have, especially in the many JBA HQ missions. When equipped, you can point it at a distant surface, pull the trigger, and it'll emit a kind of barking sound at the point you aimed it at. This is great for trying to lure guards away from their routes or posts, and can also be used in an emergency if you've gotten the attention of a guard that's slowly approaching your position. This is one of the best ways to "herd" guards away from you. If you simply keep moving the origin of the sound further and further away from you, you can put a guard so far away that you can sneak past the normal route that he'll run.
Wall Mine - Stun
This upgrade to the normal wall mine will, instead of exploding, emit a cloud of knockout gas instead. Personally, we found the wall mines in Double Agent to be a bit buggy, where occasionally they simply won't go off. The stunning wall mine also emits a fair amount of noise when set off, which is likely to bring other soldiers around, who'll more often as not simply wake up the soldier that set the wall mine off.
Electronic Lockpick
The electronic lockpick is a useful upgrade, as it'll simply eliminate the lockpicking minigame altogether and automate the process. That's...all it does! But it's still handy.
Wall Mine - Flash
Wall mines are less effective in Double Agent than they have been in the past, but the flash variant is perhaps the most superfluous device in the game. Even if you somehow manage to lure a guard into an area where you've set one of these and make it go off, you'll still have to manually reach them and either grab them or disable them before the effect wears off, which will be a relatively short amount of time. It's far better to just get good at whistling soldiers into dark places and disabling them manually, without worrying about technical niceties.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment
The shotgun in this version of Splinter Cell is an unlockable upgrade for your SC-20k. On hard mode, this is going to be one of the few lethal ranged takedown measures you have, but it's almost always going to be a poor choice for any kind of killing. It's loud, inaccurate, and inefficient, since you'll only be getting eight rounds for it per level. If you ever get backed up into a corner with a full alarm going off and guards coming for you, it might be your best bet to fend them off, but in most cases (at least how we play), such a situation is generally better resolved by loading a previous save.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade
This upgrade speeds up the amount of time it takes for your hacking device to lock down possible numbers when hacking a computer. Not something you want to do without.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment
This attachment lets you fire smoke grenades with your SC-20k. There aren't too many ways in which this varies from the regular smoke grenades that you throw by hand, but they do get to their destination more quickly.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment
As with the thrown variant of sonic grenades, the launched version probably won't be of much use to you. The stunning effect doesn't last very long, usually giving you barely enough time to knock someone out if you run towards them. It's simpler and usually less risky to just lure people into the dark and deal with them there.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade
The Force Hack upgrade allows you to instantly override any hackable computer by tapping the X button, thus letting you avoid the usual minigame that accompanies hacking. This is a great way to quickly hack into a computer, with a couple of drawbacks: it'll take points off your stealth score at the end of a mission, and it'll cause the computer to emit a soft alarm that'll bring over any nearby guards. Generally, this is best used on computers that are somewhat exposed to guard lines of sight, which you need to access quickly before retreating to a nearby shadowed spot.
EMP Grenade - Attachment
Same thing as a thrown EMP grenade, but launched. Still rarely ever needed to get past an obstacle; if you need to disable an electronic device at range, your pistol will be a better option.
Gas Grenade - Attachment
Launched gas grenades seem to disperse into slightly bigger clouds than the thrown variety, making them a bit better at taking down crowds if you need them to. Still a messy way to go, and just as likely to draw an alarm as it is to go off smoothly. Still, when they work, they can save you a whole lot of trouble.
Frag Grenade - Attachment
Frags launched from your SC-20k are, again, more or less the same as those thrown by hand. Enemies will still attempt to dive away from them when they hit, but since launched grenades still move more quickly than the thrown ones do, you stand a good chance of getting somebody dead. As always, though, these make a big bang and will attract a lot of attention, so they're really only useful if you don't mind setting off alarms.
look at the tech snake has no chance in hell
the tech does not make the soldier. I highly doubt either person would give the other the chance to use any of their more exotic weapons. Mordred19how would they not and sam has a lot of exp in cqc aswell as snake but sam likes the darkness in will be hiding in it. so who is going to stop him from useing whatever he wants whenever he wants. and if sam wanted to find snake it would not be hard look at the tech posted abov.
------------If he's able to get into high security facilities, sneak past many guards, traps, cameras and security locks, I am sure he would be okay. Hell, he goes in every mission without anything, and is abledto pass obstracules and able to collect items. Those devices compared to the crazy abilities and high tech weaponary the bosses use, well do I really need to say more.
SC-20K Rifle
The SC-20K is Sam's main weapon. The weapon can be equipped with four
attachments. The ammunition for the SC-20K is standard NATO 5.56x45mm
round. Each magazine contains bullets.
The foregrip attachment is a very useful attachment allowing Sam to use
his SC-20K with greater precision.
The launcher attachment allows Sam to launch different devices, each
with it's own characteristics.
Sniper Attachment is equipped with a modified barrel, the sniper
attachment fires 20mm APDS anti-material round designed to penetrate
hard targets and armoured positions. You will be able to hit long
distance targets with high precision. Although very powerful, it is
quite loud and should be used with care.
Shotgun attachment's main purpose is for close-quarter offensive
situations. It is a semi-automatic shotgun. It also generates a lot of
noise and will attract attention to your location.
Sticky Shocker
The sticky shocker releases an electrical surge when it hits its target.
If you shoot a sticky shocker into a pool of water, the water and
everything in contact with it will be affected by electricity.
Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is mostly used for surveillance operations. Once the
camera is launcher, the perspective will automatically switch to that of
the camera. Once the camera reaches its designated target, you can
controls its point of view, allowing Sam to get a better view of the
surroundings. The camera has zoom capabilities, as well as thermal and
night vision lenses. The camera can be triggered to make noises that will
attract the attention of NPC's. The camera can release a poisonous gas.
The gas will affect an NPC nearby and render them unconscious. Once the
gas is used, the camera is destroyed.
Gas Grenade
The gas grenade produces harmful hydrochloric fumes that will rapidly
knock out anyone in its radius who is not wearing proper protective gear.
Ring Airfoil
Use to knock out an NPC from a distance. Be aware that the NPCs falling
from great heights may be killed by the fall.
5-7 Pistol
The 5.7 Pistol is a single-action trigger pistol with a 20-round
magazine. It also comes equipped with a silencer/flash suppressor.
Optically Channelled Potentiator (OCP)
This device is connected onto the 5-7. It can be used to disable
electronic devices for a short period of time. Lights, cameras and
computers can all be affected. Give the OCP a try - it's Sam's new best
friend. A light on the side of the 5-7 will indicate if the OCP hit a
proper target or not. A green light indicates a successful hit whilst a
red one indicates that the OCP has no effect on the targeted object.
Electronically Enhanced Vision (EEV)
This new and experimental device allows Sam to scan an area and reveal
different properties about the objects in that area. Interactive objects
will stand out from the other objects while viewed in EEV. Information
displayed about objects in EEV includes OCP affected, hacking available,
explosive danger, laser designation and remote accessible. Other
properties are EEV can also be used to scout at a distance with its zoom
capability. While in EEV, Sam can move around, but at very slow speed.
While in EEV, Sam can toggle the thermal, night vision and EMF modes as
you would normally.
Wall Mines
The wall mine is a motion-sensitive explosive device that can be attached
to almost any surface. To deactivate and pick up a wall mine, wait for
the green light.
Frag Grenade
The 14-ounce M67 fragmentation grenade consists of a 2.5" steel sphere
surrounding 6.5 ounces of a high explosive. Upon detonation, the steel
sphere shatters, emitting a burst of high velocity shrapnel.
Smoke Grenade
This grenade gives off a cloud of smoke when it explodes. The cloud
enables you to move forward without being spotted.
Flash Grenade
This grenade temporarily blinds the mercenaries when it explodes in their
field of vision.Sonic Grenades
As a variant on flashbangs, sonic grenades are vary narrowly useful. Like flashbangs, they'll disorient anyone near them, but the effect will literally last for only a second or two. The area of effect in which they'll alert guards, though, is much smaller than flashbangs, which makes them somewhat useful to use when attempting to bypass guards without killing or disabling them; just drop a sonic at their feet, wait for it to go off, then quickly run to the next spot of cover. The duration is so short, though, that attempting to grapple the target is unwise, at best.
Explosive Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is a bit more situational than other weapons in the SC-20k arsenal, and really isn't going to be necessary for most stealth-oriented characters; you can avoid most enemies in the game, and those you can't can be dispatched with shockers and airfoils much more easily than they can with cameras. That said, if you're on some insane quest to get through the game without ever attracting any attention or hurting a single opponent, then sticky cameras might be useful. When fired at a wall or flat surface, they'll impact and start relaying video data back to Sam, allowing him to see a good area around the camera's position. While in the camera view, you can use the alt-fire button to make a clicking sound, which will attract guards to the camera (and presumably away from Sam), while the primary fire will unleash a cloud of nerve gas that will incapacitate your foe. Unfortunately, the nerve gas firing is fairly noisy in and of itself, and will likely attract the attention of other nearby foes, which can cause problems if they find the body of the guy you just knocked out.
If you fire a sticky camera and don't use the gas feature, you can walk over to its location and pick it up to re-use it. Were this a purely first-person game, they'd thus be pretty useful for scouting around corners, but since you can simply adjust your view to peek around most obstacles, their utility as purely observational devices is fairly minimal, especially with your 3D map and radar functions.
Ultrasonic Emitter
The Ultrasonic Emitter will be a fairly handy device to have, especially in the many JBA HQ missions. When equipped, you can point it at a distant surface, pull the trigger, and it'll emit a kind of barking sound at the point you aimed it at. This is great for trying to lure guards away from their routes or posts, and can also be used in an emergency if you've gotten the attention of a guard that's slowly approaching your position. This is one of the best ways to "herd" guards away from you. If you simply keep moving the origin of the sound further and further away from you, you can put a guard so far away that you can sneak past the normal route that he'll run.
Wall Mine - Stun
This upgrade to the normal wall mine will, instead of exploding, emit a cloud of knockout gas instead. Personally, we found the wall mines in Double Agent to be a bit buggy, where occasionally they simply won't go off. The stunning wall mine also emits a fair amount of noise when set off, which is likely to bring other soldiers around, who'll more often as not simply wake up the soldier that set the wall mine off.
Electronic Lockpick
The electronic lockpick is a useful upgrade, as it'll simply eliminate the lockpicking minigame altogether and automate the process. That's...all it does! But it's still handy.
Wall Mine - Flash
Wall mines are less effective in Double Agent than they have been in the past, but the flash variant is perhaps the most superfluous device in the game. Even if you somehow manage to lure a guard into an area where you've set one of these and make it go off, you'll still have to manually reach them and either grab them or disable them before the effect wears off, which will be a relatively short amount of time. It's far better to just get good at whistling soldiers into dark places and disabling them manually, without worrying about technical niceties.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment
The shotgun in this version of Splinter Cell is an unlockable upgrade for your SC-20k. On hard mode, this is going to be one of the few lethal ranged takedown measures you have, but it's almost always going to be a poor choice for any kind of killing. It's loud, inaccurate, and inefficient, since you'll only be getting eight rounds for it per level. If you ever get backed up into a corner with a full alarm going off and guards coming for you, it might be your best bet to fend them off, but in most cases (at least how we play), such a situation is generally better resolved by loading a previous save.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade
This upgrade speeds up the amount of time it takes for your hacking device to lock down possible numbers when hacking a computer. Not something you want to do without.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment
This attachment lets you fire smoke grenades with your SC-20k. There aren't too many ways in which this varies from the regular smoke grenades that you throw by hand, but they do get to their destination more quickly.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment
As with the thrown variant of sonic grenades, the launched version probably won't be of much use to you. The stunning effect doesn't last very long, usually giving you barely enough time to knock someone out if you run towards them. It's simpler and usually less risky to just lure people into the dark and deal with them there.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade
The Force Hack upgrade allows you to instantly override any hackable computer by tapping the X button, thus letting you avoid the usual minigame that accompanies hacking. This is a great way to quickly hack into a computer, with a couple of drawbacks: it'll take points off your stealth score at the end of a mission, and it'll cause the computer to emit a soft alarm that'll bring over any nearby guards. Generally, this is best used on computers that are somewhat exposed to guard lines of sight, which you need to access quickly before retreating to a nearby shadowed spot.
EMP Grenade - Attachment
Same thing as a thrown EMP grenade, but launched. Still rarely ever needed to get past an obstacle; if you need to disable an electronic device at range, your pistol will be a better option.
Gas Grenade - Attachment
Launched gas grenades seem to disperse into slightly bigger clouds than the thrown variety, making them a bit better at taking down crowds if you need them to. Still a messy way to go, and just as likely to draw an alarm as it is to go off smoothly. Still, when they work, they can save you a whole lot of trouble.
Frag Grenade - Attachment
Frags launched from your SC-20k are, again, more or less the same as those thrown by hand. Enemies will still attempt to dive away from them when they hit, but since launched grenades still move more quickly than the thrown ones do, you stand a good chance of getting somebody dead. As always, though, these make a big bang and will attract a lot of attention, so they're really only useful if you don't mind setting off alarms.
look at the tech snake has no chance in hell
If he's able to get into high security facilities, sneak past many guards, traps, cameras and security locks, I am sure he would be okay. Hell, he goes in every mission without anything, and is abledto pass obstracules and able to collect items. Those devices compared to the crazy abilities and high tech weaponary the bosses use, well do I really need to say more. thank u for your post but u might want to read the name of the thread get those eyes checked... high tech weaponary the bosses use.......... sam vs young snake[QUOTE="bujugftcgffvvcf"]------------
SC-20K Rifle
The SC-20K is Sam's main weapon. The weapon can be equipped with four
attachments. The ammunition for the SC-20K is standard NATO 5.56x45mm
round. Each magazine contains bullets.
The foregrip attachment is a very useful attachment allowing Sam to use
his SC-20K with greater precision.
The launcher attachment allows Sam to launch different devices, each
with it's own characteristics.
Sniper Attachment is equipped with a modified barrel, the sniper
attachment fires 20mm APDS anti-material round designed to penetrate
hard targets and armoured positions. You will be able to hit long
distance targets with high precision. Although very powerful, it is
quite loud and should be used with care.
Shotgun attachment's main purpose is for close-quarter offensive
situations. It is a semi-automatic shotgun. It also generates a lot of
noise and will attract attention to your location.
Sticky Shocker
The sticky shocker releases an electrical surge when it hits its target.
If you shoot a sticky shocker into a pool of water, the water and
everything in contact with it will be affected by electricity.
Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is mostly used for surveillance operations. Once the
camera is launcher, the perspective will automatically switch to that of
the camera. Once the camera reaches its designated target, you can
controls its point of view, allowing Sam to get a better view of the
surroundings. The camera has zoom capabilities, as well as thermal and
night vision lenses. The camera can be triggered to make noises that will
attract the attention of NPC's. The camera can release a poisonous gas.
The gas will affect an NPC nearby and render them unconscious. Once the
gas is used, the camera is destroyed.
Gas Grenade
The gas grenade produces harmful hydrochloric fumes that will rapidly
knock out anyone in its radius who is not wearing proper protective gear.
Ring Airfoil
Use to knock out an NPC from a distance. Be aware that the NPCs falling
from great heights may be killed by the fall.
5-7 Pistol
The 5.7 Pistol is a single-action trigger pistol with a 20-round
magazine. It also comes equipped with a silencer/flash suppressor.
Optically Channelled Potentiator (OCP)
This device is connected onto the 5-7. It can be used to disable
electronic devices for a short period of time. Lights, cameras and
computers can all be affected. Give the OCP a try - it's Sam's new best
friend. A light on the side of the 5-7 will indicate if the OCP hit a
proper target or not. A green light indicates a successful hit whilst a
red one indicates that the OCP has no effect on the targeted object.
Electronically Enhanced Vision (EEV)
This new and experimental device allows Sam to scan an area and reveal
different properties about the objects in that area. Interactive objects
will stand out from the other objects while viewed in EEV. Information
displayed about objects in EEV includes OCP affected, hacking available,
explosive danger, laser designation and remote accessible. Other
properties are EEV can also be used to scout at a distance with its zoom
capability. While in EEV, Sam can move around, but at very slow speed.
While in EEV, Sam can toggle the thermal, night vision and EMF modes as
you would normally.
Wall Mines
The wall mine is a motion-sensitive explosive device that can be attached
to almost any surface. To deactivate and pick up a wall mine, wait for
the green light.
Frag Grenade
The 14-ounce M67 fragmentation grenade consists of a 2.5" steel sphere
surrounding 6.5 ounces of a high explosive. Upon detonation, the steel
sphere shatters, emitting a burst of high velocity shrapnel.
Smoke Grenade
This grenade gives off a cloud of smoke when it explodes. The cloud
enables you to move forward without being spotted.
Flash Grenade
This grenade temporarily blinds the mercenaries when it explodes in their
field of vision.Sonic Grenades
As a variant on flashbangs, sonic grenades are vary narrowly useful. Like flashbangs, they'll disorient anyone near them, but the effect will literally last for only a second or two. The area of effect in which they'll alert guards, though, is much smaller than flashbangs, which makes them somewhat useful to use when attempting to bypass guards without killing or disabling them; just drop a sonic at their feet, wait for it to go off, then quickly run to the next spot of cover. The duration is so short, though, that attempting to grapple the target is unwise, at best.
Explosive Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is a bit more situational than other weapons in the SC-20k arsenal, and really isn't going to be necessary for most stealth-oriented characters; you can avoid most enemies in the game, and those you can't can be dispatched with shockers and airfoils much more easily than they can with cameras. That said, if you're on some insane quest to get through the game without ever attracting any attention or hurting a single opponent, then sticky cameras might be useful. When fired at a wall or flat surface, they'll impact and start relaying video data back to Sam, allowing him to see a good area around the camera's position. While in the camera view, you can use the alt-fire button to make a clicking sound, which will attract guards to the camera (and presumably away from Sam), while the primary fire will unleash a cloud of nerve gas that will incapacitate your foe. Unfortunately, the nerve gas firing is fairly noisy in and of itself, and will likely attract the attention of other nearby foes, which can cause problems if they find the body of the guy you just knocked out.
If you fire a sticky camera and don't use the gas feature, you can walk over to its location and pick it up to re-use it. Were this a purely first-person game, they'd thus be pretty useful for scouting around corners, but since you can simply adjust your view to peek around most obstacles, their utility as purely observational devices is fairly minimal, especially with your 3D map and radar functions.
Ultrasonic Emitter
The Ultrasonic Emitter will be a fairly handy device to have, especially in the many JBA HQ missions. When equipped, you can point it at a distant surface, pull the trigger, and it'll emit a kind of barking sound at the point you aimed it at. This is great for trying to lure guards away from their routes or posts, and can also be used in an emergency if you've gotten the attention of a guard that's slowly approaching your position. This is one of the best ways to "herd" guards away from you. If you simply keep moving the origin of the sound further and further away from you, you can put a guard so far away that you can sneak past the normal route that he'll run.
Wall Mine - Stun
This upgrade to the normal wall mine will, instead of exploding, emit a cloud of knockout gas instead. Personally, we found the wall mines in Double Agent to be a bit buggy, where occasionally they simply won't go off. The stunning wall mine also emits a fair amount of noise when set off, which is likely to bring other soldiers around, who'll more often as not simply wake up the soldier that set the wall mine off.
Electronic Lockpick
The electronic lockpick is a useful upgrade, as it'll simply eliminate the lockpicking minigame altogether and automate the process. That's...all it does! But it's still handy.
Wall Mine - Flash
Wall mines are less effective in Double Agent than they have been in the past, but the flash variant is perhaps the most superfluous device in the game. Even if you somehow manage to lure a guard into an area where you've set one of these and make it go off, you'll still have to manually reach them and either grab them or disable them before the effect wears off, which will be a relatively short amount of time. It's far better to just get good at whistling soldiers into dark places and disabling them manually, without worrying about technical niceties.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment
The shotgun in this version of Splinter Cell is an unlockable upgrade for your SC-20k. On hard mode, this is going to be one of the few lethal ranged takedown measures you have, but it's almost always going to be a poor choice for any kind of killing. It's loud, inaccurate, and inefficient, since you'll only be getting eight rounds for it per level. If you ever get backed up into a corner with a full alarm going off and guards coming for you, it might be your best bet to fend them off, but in most cases (at least how we play), such a situation is generally better resolved by loading a previous save.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade
This upgrade speeds up the amount of time it takes for your hacking device to lock down possible numbers when hacking a computer. Not something you want to do without.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment
This attachment lets you fire smoke grenades with your SC-20k. There aren't too many ways in which this varies from the regular smoke grenades that you throw by hand, but they do get to their destination more quickly.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment
As with the thrown variant of sonic grenades, the launched version probably won't be of much use to you. The stunning effect doesn't last very long, usually giving you barely enough time to knock someone out if you run towards them. It's simpler and usually less risky to just lure people into the dark and deal with them there.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade
The Force Hack upgrade allows you to instantly override any hackable computer by tapping the X button, thus letting you avoid the usual minigame that accompanies hacking. This is a great way to quickly hack into a computer, with a couple of drawbacks: it'll take points off your stealth score at the end of a mission, and it'll cause the computer to emit a soft alarm that'll bring over any nearby guards. Generally, this is best used on computers that are somewhat exposed to guard lines of sight, which you need to access quickly before retreating to a nearby shadowed spot.
EMP Grenade - Attachment
Same thing as a thrown EMP grenade, but launched. Still rarely ever needed to get past an obstacle; if you need to disable an electronic device at range, your pistol will be a better option.
Gas Grenade - Attachment
Launched gas grenades seem to disperse into slightly bigger clouds than the thrown variety, making them a bit better at taking down crowds if you need them to. Still a messy way to go, and just as likely to draw an alarm as it is to go off smoothly. Still, when they work, they can save you a whole lot of trouble.
Frag Grenade - Attachment
Frags launched from your SC-20k are, again, more or less the same as those thrown by hand. Enemies will still attempt to dive away from them when they hit, but since launched grenades still move more quickly than the thrown ones do, you stand a good chance of getting somebody dead. As always, though, these make a big bang and will attract a lot of attention, so they're really only useful if you don't mind setting off alarms.
look at the tech snake has no chance in hell
all you lemmings saying sam have obviously never played a MGS game.
or your answers would be snake.
*waits for a lemming to say they've played and beat all 3*
Do I count? I own and beat all 3.all you lemmings saying sam have obviously never played a MGS game.
or your answers would be snake.
*waits for a lemming to say they've played and beat all 3*
[QUOTE="ArisShadows"]If he's able to get into high security facilities, sneak past many guards, traps, cameras and security locks, I am sure he would be okay. Hell, he goes in every mission without anything, and is abledto pass obstracules and able to collect items. Those devices compared to the crazy abilities and high tech weaponary the bosses use, well do I really need to say more. thank u for your post but u might want to read the name of the thread get those eyes checked... high tech weaponary the bosses use.......... sam vs young snake Oh I thought meant pre-MGS4 (old snake), not justMGS3 snake. I still say Snake, because the fact there were still insane bosses and he did some awesome stuff in that.[QUOTE="bujugftcgffvvcf"]------------
SC-20K Rifle
The SC-20K is Sam's main weapon. The weapon can be equipped with four
attachments. The ammunition for the SC-20K is standard NATO 5.56x45mm
round. Each magazine contains bullets.
The foregrip attachment is a very useful attachment allowing Sam to use
his SC-20K with greater precision.
The launcher attachment allows Sam to launch different devices, each
with it's own characteristics.
Sniper Attachment is equipped with a modified barrel, the sniper
attachment fires 20mm APDS anti-material round designed to penetrate
hard targets and armoured positions. You will be able to hit long
distance targets with high precision. Although very powerful, it is
quite loud and should be used with care.
Shotgun attachment's main purpose is for close-quarter offensive
situations. It is a semi-automatic shotgun. It also generates a lot of
noise and will attract attention to your location.
Sticky Shocker
The sticky shocker releases an electrical surge when it hits its target.
If you shoot a sticky shocker into a pool of water, the water and
everything in contact with it will be affected by electricity.
Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is mostly used for surveillance operations. Once the
camera is launcher, the perspective will automatically switch to that of
the camera. Once the camera reaches its designated target, you can
controls its point of view, allowing Sam to get a better view of the
surroundings. The camera has zoom capabilities, as well as thermal and
night vision lenses. The camera can be triggered to make noises that will
attract the attention of NPC's. The camera can release a poisonous gas.
The gas will affect an NPC nearby and render them unconscious. Once the
gas is used, the camera is destroyed.
Gas Grenade
The gas grenade produces harmful hydrochloric fumes that will rapidly
knock out anyone in its radius who is not wearing proper protective gear.
Ring Airfoil
Use to knock out an NPC from a distance. Be aware that the NPCs falling
from great heights may be killed by the fall.
5-7 Pistol
The 5.7 Pistol is a single-action trigger pistol with a 20-round
magazine. It also comes equipped with a silencer/flash suppressor.
Optically Channelled Potentiator (OCP)
This device is connected onto the 5-7. It can be used to disable
electronic devices for a short period of time. Lights, cameras and
computers can all be affected. Give the OCP a try - it's Sam's new best
friend. A light on the side of the 5-7 will indicate if the OCP hit a
proper target or not. A green light indicates a successful hit whilst a
red one indicates that the OCP has no effect on the targeted object.
Electronically Enhanced Vision (EEV)
This new and experimental device allows Sam to scan an area and reveal
different properties about the objects in that area. Interactive objects
will stand out from the other objects while viewed in EEV. Information
displayed about objects in EEV includes OCP affected, hacking available,
explosive danger, laser designation and remote accessible. Other
properties are EEV can also be used to scout at a distance with its zoom
capability. While in EEV, Sam can move around, but at very slow speed.
While in EEV, Sam can toggle the thermal, night vision and EMF modes as
you would normally.
Wall Mines
The wall mine is a motion-sensitive explosive device that can be attached
to almost any surface. To deactivate and pick up a wall mine, wait for
the green light.
Frag Grenade
The 14-ounce M67 fragmentation grenade consists of a 2.5" steel sphere
surrounding 6.5 ounces of a high explosive. Upon detonation, the steel
sphere shatters, emitting a burst of high velocity shrapnel.
Smoke Grenade
This grenade gives off a cloud of smoke when it explodes. The cloud
enables you to move forward without being spotted.
Flash Grenade
This grenade temporarily blinds the mercenaries when it explodes in their
field of vision.Sonic Grenades
As a variant on flashbangs, sonic grenades are vary narrowly useful. Like flashbangs, they'll disorient anyone near them, but the effect will literally last for only a second or two. The area of effect in which they'll alert guards, though, is much smaller than flashbangs, which makes them somewhat useful to use when attempting to bypass guards without killing or disabling them; just drop a sonic at their feet, wait for it to go off, then quickly run to the next spot of cover. The duration is so short, though, that attempting to grapple the target is unwise, at best.
Explosive Sticky Camera
The sticky camera is a bit more situational than other weapons in the SC-20k arsenal, and really isn't going to be necessary for most stealth-oriented characters; you can avoid most enemies in the game, and those you can't can be dispatched with shockers and airfoils much more easily than they can with cameras. That said, if you're on some insane quest to get through the game without ever attracting any attention or hurting a single opponent, then sticky cameras might be useful. When fired at a wall or flat surface, they'll impact and start relaying video data back to Sam, allowing him to see a good area around the camera's position. While in the camera view, you can use the alt-fire button to make a clicking sound, which will attract guards to the camera (and presumably away from Sam), while the primary fire will unleash a cloud of nerve gas that will incapacitate your foe. Unfortunately, the nerve gas firing is fairly noisy in and of itself, and will likely attract the attention of other nearby foes, which can cause problems if they find the body of the guy you just knocked out.
If you fire a sticky camera and don't use the gas feature, you can walk over to its location and pick it up to re-use it. Were this a purely first-person game, they'd thus be pretty useful for scouting around corners, but since you can simply adjust your view to peek around most obstacles, their utility as purely observational devices is fairly minimal, especially with your 3D map and radar functions.
Ultrasonic Emitter
The Ultrasonic Emitter will be a fairly handy device to have, especially in the many JBA HQ missions. When equipped, you can point it at a distant surface, pull the trigger, and it'll emit a kind of barking sound at the point you aimed it at. This is great for trying to lure guards away from their routes or posts, and can also be used in an emergency if you've gotten the attention of a guard that's slowly approaching your position. This is one of the best ways to "herd" guards away from you. If you simply keep moving the origin of the sound further and further away from you, you can put a guard so far away that you can sneak past the normal route that he'll run.
Wall Mine - Stun
This upgrade to the normal wall mine will, instead of exploding, emit a cloud of knockout gas instead. Personally, we found the wall mines in Double Agent to be a bit buggy, where occasionally they simply won't go off. The stunning wall mine also emits a fair amount of noise when set off, which is likely to bring other soldiers around, who'll more often as not simply wake up the soldier that set the wall mine off.
Electronic Lockpick
The electronic lockpick is a useful upgrade, as it'll simply eliminate the lockpicking minigame altogether and automate the process. That's...all it does! But it's still handy.
Wall Mine - Flash
Wall mines are less effective in Double Agent than they have been in the past, but the flash variant is perhaps the most superfluous device in the game. Even if you somehow manage to lure a guard into an area where you've set one of these and make it go off, you'll still have to manually reach them and either grab them or disable them before the effect wears off, which will be a relatively short amount of time. It's far better to just get good at whistling soldiers into dark places and disabling them manually, without worrying about technical niceties.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment
The shotgun in this version of Splinter Cell is an unlockable upgrade for your SC-20k. On hard mode, this is going to be one of the few lethal ranged takedown measures you have, but it's almost always going to be a poor choice for any kind of killing. It's loud, inaccurate, and inefficient, since you'll only be getting eight rounds for it per level. If you ever get backed up into a corner with a full alarm going off and guards coming for you, it might be your best bet to fend them off, but in most cases (at least how we play), such a situation is generally better resolved by loading a previous save.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade
This upgrade speeds up the amount of time it takes for your hacking device to lock down possible numbers when hacking a computer. Not something you want to do without.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment
This attachment lets you fire smoke grenades with your SC-20k. There aren't too many ways in which this varies from the regular smoke grenades that you throw by hand, but they do get to their destination more quickly.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment
As with the thrown variant of sonic grenades, the launched version probably won't be of much use to you. The stunning effect doesn't last very long, usually giving you barely enough time to knock someone out if you run towards them. It's simpler and usually less risky to just lure people into the dark and deal with them there.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade
The Force Hack upgrade allows you to instantly override any hackable computer by tapping the X button, thus letting you avoid the usual minigame that accompanies hacking. This is a great way to quickly hack into a computer, with a couple of drawbacks: it'll take points off your stealth score at the end of a mission, and it'll cause the computer to emit a soft alarm that'll bring over any nearby guards. Generally, this is best used on computers that are somewhat exposed to guard lines of sight, which you need to access quickly before retreating to a nearby shadowed spot.
EMP Grenade - Attachment
Same thing as a thrown EMP grenade, but launched. Still rarely ever needed to get past an obstacle; if you need to disable an electronic device at range, your pistol will be a better option.
Gas Grenade - Attachment
Launched gas grenades seem to disperse into slightly bigger clouds than the thrown variety, making them a bit better at taking down crowds if you need them to. Still a messy way to go, and just as likely to draw an alarm as it is to go off smoothly. Still, when they work, they can save you a whole lot of trouble.
Frag Grenade - Attachment
Frags launched from your SC-20k are, again, more or less the same as those thrown by hand. Enemies will still attempt to dive away from them when they hit, but since launched grenades still move more quickly than the thrown ones do, you stand a good chance of getting somebody dead. As always, though, these make a big bang and will attract a lot of attention, so they're really only useful if you don't mind setting off alarms.
look at the tech snake has no chance in hell
have played number 3.and i have to say sanke is not impressive put snake in sams world and he would not last 5 min with that out of date crap hes usingbujugftcgffvvcf
If it was in Sams world Snake would die in an instant. Sam would disrupt the lights and take out Snake from behind with his knife.
Lets face it.... I've played the first three MGS games and Snake is no stealth person. He is a soldier. Sam can die in one or two bullets but Snake has taken out a metal gear. I like SC games more but Snake is just tough as nails.Metroid_Timesam can take down a metal gear ever heard of a emp gernade. sam is not always a stealth person ever played SCDA.
[QUOTE="Metroid_Time"]Lets face it.... I've played the first three MGS games and Snake is no stealth person. He is a soldier. Sam can die in one or two bullets but Snake has taken out a metal gear. I like SC games more but Snake is just tough as nails.bujugftcgffvvcfsam can take down a metal gear ever heard of a emp gernade. sam is not always a stealth person ever played SCDA. You got to be kidding me a singleEMP grenade. Snake has similiar grenades, it couldn't be took down with one of those.
sam can take down a metal gear ever heard of a emp gernade. sam is not always a stealth person ever played SCDA. You got to be kidding me a singleEMP grenade. Snake has similiar grenades, it couldn't be took down with one of those. sure it cant anyway. he can hack from far away.and i never wrote a single grenade or did i:roll:[QUOTE="bujugftcgffvvcf"][QUOTE="Metroid_Time"]Lets face it.... I've played the first three MGS games and Snake is no stealth person. He is a soldier. Sam can die in one or two bullets but Snake has taken out a metal gear. I like SC games more but Snake is just tough as nails.ArisShadows
i guess u need your eves checked to.....sam vs youngsnakeSnake=Soldier, Brave, Old
SAM=Ninja, Assasin, Stealth
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