I haven't been gaming nearly as much as I normally did before about 2 or 3 years. I often have droughts were I don't really play anything much for a couple of months. Or I'll play one game a good amount, but I'll feel like i'm falling behind on a lot of games that I want to play (usually because I don't have them, or i'm bored of games atm). Then I'll end up getting a couple games somehow all at once, and play them. I don't know why, but just knowing that I experienced a few more games recently gives me the same type of satisfaction that I get from, say, knowing I've been working out a lot, or, being all caught up with my school work. You know what I mean?
I've been in one of those droughts recently. Now, I have Rayman, Limbo, and Gravity Rush on my Vita all ready to be completed. (I've started all of them). I'm definitely going to pick up Stealth Inc soon. Also, I have Shadow of The Colossus and Ico in my cart thanks to PS+ (games I hear sooo much praise from all the time). I'm getting Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus tomorrow, and still have Demon Souls which I started a month ago. That probably would have ended my gaming drought for a bit, but my PS3 controller broke. OH and my friends let me borrow Super Mario Galaxy, and Portal 2.... I'll make some money this week from helping out with peoples' stuff, and buy a controller. Once I get that controller, then I'm SUPER set.
I'm off school this whole week, thanks to Thanksgiving. I'm not planning anything really. I have Tennis practice for my school team 3 days of this week, and practice is ridiculously enjoyable. much better than baseball practice (which I used to play my whole life and hated), especially since I got a bunch of my friends to join the team as well. Plus, I've been getting into drawing lately. I'm a TERRIBLE drawer, but I actually feel like i'm making progress, which is also giving me that satisfying feeling. I've been cleaning up my backyard on my own which makes my parents happy, and also gives my a satisfying feeling. OMG
But my main question, who else feels that same satisfaction just from completing a certain amount of games within a certain period of time?
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