Let's go with multiple games:
- Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - the gunplay is mediocre.
- Otogi: Myth of Demons - i like a challenge, but the difficulty is ludicrously huge, to the point of f*cking insanity.
- Planescape: Torment - the combat is shit.
- Panzer Dragoon Saga - the length is to short (roughly 12 - 15 hours), considering the game is on 4 CDs.
- Xenogears - the gigantic, convoluted maze towards the end. It's absolutely painful.
- Ninja Gaiden Black - say what you will about stories in hack 'n slash - action games, but this one in NGB is incredibly boring, i had vastly more fun with DMC3's plot.
- Deus Ex 1 - the gunplay and AI is shit. (good thing mods fixed that tho)
I have a ton of GOATs, but i can't think of any negative aspects at the moment.
most if not all rpgs from the ps1 era hasnt aged well. i think other than gran turismo, all ps1 games look uglyjsmoke03
If you can appreciate games based on the time and system they released on, then graphics are never a problem.
As for everything els, PS1/Saturn JRPGs shit on anything from past, and later generations. The quantity of quality titles simply offer a better library.
Not to mention that the 2D ones are aesthetically pleasing, especially the likes of Valkyrie Profile.
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