The demo for Scarlet Nexus is available on Xbox. It is ~9GB on Series X.
Tried out the demo and loved it, it's definitely not for everyone and there's a lot of issues with it but I still had a blast.
Cool. Am interested in this game so I’ll definitely download the demo tonight and give it a try. Thanks for the heads up. 👍
I dont know anything about this game. Is it real time or turn based combat. And does it have excessive level grinding via perpetual enemy respawn during travel like many past jrpgs?
It is an action RPG. Not sure what is RPG about it.
You level up and attribute points to skills that you can upgrade and obtain new moves from.
@NathanDrakeSwag: What are you talking about? I’ve always enjoyed Japanese games.
It's funny since Ryan is trying to scrub Japanese game from their brand. :P
@iamdavey: Just a very funny comment considering that I own a Switch, Nintendo and Capcom are two of my top favourite companies, and I talk highly of NUMEROUS Japanese franchises and games on pretty much a daily basis including PlayStation exclusives. But hey, “Lemmings like Japanese games now” and all that. 😂
@NathanDrakeSwag: You clowns refer to me as a Lemming. Don’t really care myself one way or the other although I do have a preference for Xbox and some of their games so, whatever.
Haven’t been a gamer for 50 years, only about like 44 give or take. Never claimed to own every system, just owned a hell of a lot of them over the many years. However don’t let the facts get in the way of a good ****post so you can carry on there toxic troll. 👋😅
@iamdavey: Just a very funny comment considering that I own a Switch, Nintendo and Capcom are two of my top favourite companies, and I talk highly of NUMEROUS Japanese franchises and games on pretty much a daily basis including PlayStation exclusives. But hey, “Lemmings like Japanese games now” and all that. 😂
The guy is a clown. :P
Tried out the demo and loved it, it's definitely not for everyone and there's a lot of issues with it but I still had a blast.
Of course you like it. You like every weebish 😁
Beat the demo. Enjoyed the combat, but didn't care for the environment or the style of the game. I'd pick it up at the $20 price point.
Played through the demo with Yuito and I rather enjoyed it. The combat mechanics were quite fun. It somewhat reminds me of Astral Chain a bit with the look of the game. The enemy designs, at least in the demo, were kind of “meh” though. Interested to see how the full game turns out.
Played through the demo with Yuito and I rather enjoyed it. The combat mechanics were quite fun. It somewhat reminds me of Astral Chain a bit with the look of the game. The enemy designs, at least in the demo, were kind of “meh” though. Interested to see how the full game turns out.
Yeah! It has an Astral Chain feel to it. Still have to finish that game.
Played through the demo with Yuito and I rather enjoyed it. The combat mechanics were quite fun. It somewhat reminds me of Astral Chain a bit with the look of the game. The enemy designs, at least in the demo, were kind of “meh” though. Interested to see how the full game turns out.
Yeah! It has an Astral Chain feel to it. Still have to finish that game.
Yeah I definitely got Platinum vibes from it, which is a good thing! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on Scarlet Nexus now.
This is a perfect example of why demos should be a more common tool for devs. I had no idea about this game, now I want to buy it.
And yeah, you gotta finish Astral Chain, Pedro... it's awesome.
Yeah I definitely got Platinum vibes from it, which is a good thing! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on Scarlet Nexus now.
This is a perfect example of why demos should be a more common tool for devs. I had no idea about this game, now I want to buy it.
And yeah, you gotta finish Astral Chain, Pedro... it's awesome.
But I don't like gaming on the Switch.
Yeah I definitely got Platinum vibes from it, which is a good thing! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on Scarlet Nexus now.
This is a perfect example of why demos should be a more common tool for devs. I had no idea about this game, now I want to buy it.
And yeah, you gotta finish Astral Chain, Pedro... it's awesome.
But I don't like gaming on the Switch.
Playing it docked with a Pro controller is fine... it looks and feels decent. Certainly didn't stop me from enjoying it.
Playing it docked with a Pro controller is fine... it looks and feels decent. Certainly didn't stop me from enjoying it.
I will give it third try. 😊 Reminds of the number of tries before I got into Bioshock.
If you're a Platinum fan, it's a must play imo. Enjoy!
Finally played the demo, on positive side the combat is bearable with lots of improvements and the setting is really intriguing. Both male/Female main character have their own dialogues which meant the story may unfold bit differently, good for replayability. Also in menu, it looks you can customize your character fashion with layered options and buy new fashion and weapons. The demo provided me cat tail and shoulder pads to attach...
Few things I hope they improves. Firstly the combat although ok still feels a bit floaty, I dont feel the swings I made. I feel there is no impact of tossing those large materials onto enemies or feeling powerful when using spells. The camera during combat needs to get used to but I think its better the reset camera button placed on shoulder button instead of R3.
Finally the worst is the manga cutscenes. What the fuk really hurts the presentation a lot. Its very generic too and in boss fight after you worked so hard to knock down the boss, squad captain comes in to get his free kills but they used this manga cutscene to convey actions what the **** that is so awful. Did they run of budget to animate the scenes? Its not even charming like Gravity Rush the scenes is so generic.
I think the game may score around a generous 7/10 here and mid 70 metacritics, if story is good and combat gets diverse. Hope I am wrong and game actually blows expectationa and critically acclaimed. I am still looking forward to the game its a jrpg and I do love my rpg.
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