screw EGM? I know who should be screwed - but I'll keep quiet as flaming the TC is against the TOS, flaming anyone for that matter.
what's so wrong with it being delayed to fix something that many of us would have hated? I personally hate the sixaxis tilt and am really happy they're taking the time to add in normal flight controls (hopefully that's what they're doing, if not I won't be buying this).
not our fault the Lair dev is a stupid hippy that's trying to keep in tilt controls because his wifes grandmother could pick it up and play it *truth, check out their boards and interviews* --- tip to Lair devs, the PS3 ain't the Wii and NOBODY is gonna go picking up your dragon game with the gusto that the Wii has.
So swallow your freaking mental self-important pride and make the game play well to the people that matter and forgot about the Wii - Sony did enough by ripping off tilt when it isn't needed (and doesn't make sense on a normal controller - see old MS controllers from the 90s that failed).
it's stupid to not give people to option - but i guess that's what Sony is about these days, limiting your choices and forcing hardware on you.
rant aside I really hope this extra time makes this game better.
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