I actually seriously doubt that, since yesterday it has been #1 on Twitch, and both game versions have skyrocketed to the top of the Amazon chart. I decided to finally try the game yesterday after seeing the Closed Beta just appear in my ready to install list.
My expectations were blown away, this is one of the best online experiences I've had in a while, you really do feel like a pirate out at sea and the game has awesome co-op moments. The water graphics are superb, the waves are very realistic and without going into much detail, one of the most thrilling moments I had playing it was me and 3 other people navigating the waters in a heavy storm. Everyone was shouting and giving orders, I tried to tell the others to repair the holes in the bottom while I took out water buckets, but while we were busy doing that, we saw a huge ship come in (other online players) and start firing at us. I had the idea to drop anchor right there, and it worked because the other ship kept sailing away from the heavy currents going up and down....and we eventually managed to dock at an island and relax a little, repair.
Lot of cool moments like that, and while the game needs more polish overall in some areas, and it needs content and a nice progression and mission structure, the core mechanics were solid. I played it for several hours straight and it was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I have had, no exaggeration. Maybe the honeymoon phase and like I said there are other things we have not yet seen, it's just a beta, but I'm very stoked for it now, there is no other game like it out there, and they did a great job overall imo with all the stuff you would expect to be able to do as a Pirate.
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